debate speech opening 20分

2013-05-08 11:23 pm
我要寫份opening speech
motion: Space exploration is a waste of money
我係affirmative side
因為我係captain,,所以要寫一篇約3分鐘既 opening speech,thx

回答 (1)

2013-05-11 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today's motion is that This House Believes that Space exploration is a waste of money. As the captain of the side affirmative, I wish to point out very solemnly that space exploration is a waste of money. Yet, before I further elaborate, let me ask you a question. Have we found anything from space? I refer the word 'anything' to any subjects that are measurable and are practical and beneficial to Human-beings. Well, as far as I am concerned, NO!
Here comes the second question. Have we found any alternative life forms after indulging ourselves into years of exploration? Well, unless I have missed out the headline of newspapers, there are no signs of any alternative life forms being discovered

Let's take a look at the circumstance in NASA. President Obama has greatly cut the financial budget for NASA ever since his inauguration. One of the major reasons is that, there is hardly any measurable or else justifiable 'result' found in years of exploration. Here's the paradox-whether we should spend further money into something rather intangible or else we should spend our money wisely to improve the living standard of our residents.

Ladies and gentlemen, what is the definition of 'waste'? I refer our adjudicators and the negative side to the definition provided by the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary. The definition of waste is an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc. Hence, side affirmative wish to justify today's motion by three major arguments, namely, whether there is a necessity present for space exploration, secondly, even if a necessity exists for space exploration, is does the current proportion of the expenditure for space exploration legitimate? Last but not least, there is something in the world that far outweighs space exploration which requires financial aids.

(I can only give you brief ideas for the speech due to the world limit. )
參考: I was a debater at the HKDO 2011 :)

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:49:58
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