Could smoking hurt a cat ?

2013-05-08 4:36 am
So my downstairs nieghboors smoke weed and cigarets . Constantly and well they

scream so much , and get mad at each other .There around there 20s and they have a kid 6 yrs old ) . Could this be a not so could home for a cat ? Also since he was a kitten he would also come up to my house . And one day I was grabbing him and then he made this awful noise like someone with asthma . I was so scared but then he stopped . I was unsure if it was natural since my mom said he might just be a bit sick . I belived her since she grew up in Ecuador and there alot of animals over there . So she must experience with cats getting sick

So could smoking harm cats ?
Would that home be not so good for a cat ?
And if so what can I do about it .

回答 (6)

2013-05-08 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes it can. more than humans. Cats have smaller lungs, the 6 year old kids in trouble too. you can call the police about the smell of weed and they would get busted but thats about it.
2013-05-08 4:39 am
Yes. smoking can be just as bad for cats as for humans. Second hand smoke is almost always worse for anyone or any animal.
2013-05-08 4:39 am
Like humans, smoking can hurt it's lungs. But since smoking isn't illegal, there is no way to prove that they aren't a "suitable" pet owner...
2017-02-25 2:41 am
i'm a smoker attempting desperately to stop - and sure, i'm conscious that cigg smoke can harm my cat. My answer: i do no longer smoke around cats, dogs, toddlers or non-human beings who smoke; and that i'm quitting! There are a number of the type to handle your problem: (one million) bypass away Bud living house the place he's secure (2) Take Bud with you yet ask your freinds in the event that they might smoke outdoors removed from you and Bud considering the fact which you're the two allergic to the smoke - maximum human beings who smoke won't strategies stepping outdoors to smoke (3) place your self and Bud perfect beside an open window whilst somebody starts off to smoke indoors (yet that is purely one million/2-one million/2) (4)Invite your freinds that Bud loves to play with and make it a rule that they might smoke in basic terms outdoors
2013-05-08 4:09 pm
Second hand smoke from cigarettes is harmful to cats just like it is harmful to humans - since they have lungs/breathe too BUT smoking is not illegal. People who smoke don't lose their children just because they are smokers in the same way a cat owner can't lose their cat just because the person smokes.

There is nothing you can do about it. If these people don't feel the need to stop smoking for the sake of their child, they aren't going to do it for the sake of their cat.
參考: ..
2013-05-08 5:28 am
Yes cats are very sensitive to smoke inhalation. Their lungs can't take near as much smoke as human lungs can. They can develop asthma and breathing difficulties.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 19:48:29
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