Told him I wanted to be just friends and he took it too literally?

2013-05-08 4:02 am
I just started talking to this guy, and at first he was flirting heavily with me. I started to like him, then he told me he wasn't ready for a relationship. I'd just gotten out of one and didn't want to smother him, or move too fast, so I told him I wanted to just be friends.

Since then, he hasn't flirted with me, asked me to hang out again, or any of that. Our conversations are purely platonic.

I didn't mean for him to take it that literally, and I want him to know I like him, without coming on too strong.

Any suggestions?

回答 (5)

2013-05-08 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
rachel that's such a stupid answer lol
as for the asker, you friend-zoned him. you can't expect him to act like you haven't. just show him that you're interested, but not all of the sudden, cause that would make him feel like you're just playing with him. act like he's slowly winning you over. not much to it, really. do what you gotta do and do it properly.
2013-05-08 4:06 am
he wants you to act first.

Flirt with him, be extra kind to him, and make something for him (a cake, a sweater, or what ever).
2017-02-25 2:39 am
So he became into doing an task and you sat down next to him and he says i'm busy (because of the fact he's doing an task am I perfect?) and you're freaking out approximately it? perhaps he's extremely under pressure doing his task and purely had to be left on my own via all and sundry (which incorporate you) and became into annoyed with the duty and took it out on you. In different words, may well be you're no longer significant to him in that 2d and you may desire to understand people who've assignments. in case you have been doing one you have been attempting to get finished and a few boy got here and interrupted you perhaps you would be slightly short and huffy with him so he'd bypass away. it truly is approximately it no longer being an suited time for you and him to have an informal chat. do no longer study lots into it.
2013-05-09 7:12 am
If you have already established communication/conversations with someone, thats the tough part. Now you just have to work at being on the same page. Guys don't do "hints". Girls who try to be cute, sweet, lady like or anything but clear usually lose out cuz guys DON'T DO HINTS. Say Ask or Tell the guy what you want. Confusing him by not speaking up is just gonna leave you frustrated and you will think its his fault, because you were too scared to admit what you felt or how you felt. You're going to leave it to him to figure you out and neither of you know each others personality. If some other girl comes along and says to him what you wanted say, but couldn't or didn't, you lose.
2013-05-08 12:07 pm
You kinda messed up. You see, when a girl tells a guy that she just wants to be friends after they have been flirting with her for quite a while it is a sign to them that she is not interested in a relationship. This kinda makes the guy not want to talk or flirt with you because he feels that it won't get him anywhere into having a relationship with you, and thus, he is not interested. We like to call this being "friend zoned" so you could try to reverse it and take the words back, but otherwise you made him lose interest in you.

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