
2013-05-08 7:22 am

回答 (2)

2013-05-08 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有租約是最正統的做法, 若日後相方有爭執, 法庭會根據合約的條款作部份判決的理據, 若你沒有已打stamp duty的租約在手, 確實是比較蝕底.

如果日後有爭執, 是沒辦法證明業主同意租借該單位給你的時間. 但你可根據這段時間內, 以你為收信人的信件作為證明 (越耐越好), 你確實是在這單位住了一段長的時間. 再者, 相關的租單/ 收數紙最好keep齊, 可茲證明你們之間是業主與租客的關係.

當日後有爭執的時候, 未必可以改變業主收回單位的權單, 但有機會爭取一點點的補償.

最好, 還是補回正式合約.
2013-05-08 11:19 pm
1. You get no protection at all.

Under existing law, all real estate transaction must be in writing. In other word, you have a lease that does not recognize by the law.

2. It is difficult to say. But in a perspective of the landlord and tenants, evading tax (stamp duty, property tax) only creates more troubles that far exceed from the money saved.

2013-05-09 04:59:36 補充:
1. Difficult to say. It depends on the owner's income.

2. No. You simply don't get protection from the law.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:27:31
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