Which actor do you want in the male lead of "fifty shades of grey"?

2013-05-06 10:41 pm

回答 (14)

2013-05-06 10:45 pm
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*Ian somerhalder* i would watch anything that he's in.
2013-05-06 10:49 pm
I can't think of one, who would live up to the way the author described him, as this impossibly drop dead gorgeous guy.

Who fits that description (in Hollywood?) It would have to be some total ADONIS.

I can't think of a name to go with the visual.
參考: character wise...........I do think Zachary Quinto could pull if off, ....that's a very good choice, he was excellent in Heroes............but I don't think physically he's all that----or fits the description in the book.
2013-05-06 10:43 pm
Keanu Reeve. UMPH.
2013-05-07 7:10 am
ian somerhalder of course...he is perfect for this role...sexiest ever
2013-05-06 10:46 pm
a film like that could work I think, we all remember how good the film the secretary was about the boss being the dominant force and her doing everything he said without fail.

you need a good actor to play the role ian somerhalder from the vampire diaries, not only is he a good actor but I believe he looks the part also.
2013-05-06 10:43 pm
Zachary Quinto. Yeah I know he's gay but he's a great actor and hot. He also plays that mean streak well.
2013-05-06 10:41 pm
Christopher Walken.
2016-08-10 11:45 pm
I admire Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh is regarded "just a children's book." might be. Perhaps not. Would not it particularly rely on private opinion? Oh, no, wait! It doesn't! Winnie the Pooh isn't only a children's book. It can be a well written ebook with a powerful, but enjoyable message - for kids and adults. The man who wrote it was once a playwright, so he genuinely knew write a story (well as a minimum a story by his day's expectations of what a good story is.) you love 50 colorations. Okay dokey. You are allowed to. Absolutely, you don't seem to be the one one, or it wouldn't be the sort of sizzling subject. But, it is sleaze. I've obvious "Deep Throat." It had a back story too, however the dumb back story is not why people learn it anymore than the back story is why humans learn 50 hues. Be trained to deal. You are in it for the porn. (And, sure, there is a difference between erotica and porn, and that's pron with the aid of any definition of the time period.) nobody is faulting you for being into porn. Well, okay, possibly some are, but i'm relatively certain folks who complain the loudest are closet porn fanatics. Lol but, from a writing standpoint, it just sucks the colossal one. (suppose better that I alluded to porn in my description of the e-book? ;) First, it can be freaking fan-fiction without permission from long-established creator of long-established guide sequence. 2nd, it can be written with the capabilities of a 14 12 months ancient - so far as writing goes. As far as porn goes, the author must be a professional, if she would not run a brothel herself. I've visible freshman English papers written better. It's this year's, Deep Throat, with the entire acceptance and glory of that classic porn. For those who cannot maintain persons announcing the obvious, do the obvious - discontinue reading what others believe about it. There's no law that says you can't experience porn (well, unless you are thirteen.) simply don't count on any one else to alter their minds, notably when you consider that you produced no reasonable argument earlier "Nunyah!" That one hasn't ever worked as an argument. And, fully grasp this - likewise. I know you don't seem to be shopping this both, considering that you honestly are out to disprove the apparent, so the bias was good based before both of us ever bumped into each different on-line. I can live with that.
2013-05-10 2:21 am
Ian Somerhalder or Matt Bomer
2013-05-06 10:44 pm
Jon Cryer

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