Grammar checking 1

2013-05-06 1:18 am
1.The Generally low education of the huge population

The education level literacy rate of the Western China is 33.8% in 2009, which is lower than some Eastern cities, for illustration, 78% literacy rate in Guangzhou and 77.2% in Shenzhen (XXX, 2010). The reasons for the situation in Western China are manifold. The money support from the Western part is still lower than the Eastern part; but bigger population size has to share the limited amount of money. As a result, the students in the West enjoyed fewer resources, and they stayed shorter in school. The students stayed in school for 7.8 years in average, which is enough for finishing the primary school studies only (SSS, 2008). 78.2% of the population in the West engaged in primary education with $681/month in average (SS, 2009), which is hard to support the children to go to school. Their offspring would still have a generally low education level, the Vicious circle is created. They may not be able to engage in secondary productions which offer better salaries because of their low education level. This would affect economic improvement potential in Western China.

回答 (1)

2013-05-06 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The education level of literacy rate in Western China is 33.8% in 2009, which is lower than some Eastern cities, for illustration, 78% literacy rate in Guangzhou and 77.2% in Shenzhen (XXX, 2010). The reasons for the situation in Western China are manifold. The education funds support from the Western part is still lower than the Eastern part; and the bigger size of population shares the limited amount of money. As a result, the students in the West enjoy fewer resources, and they stay shorter time in school. The students stay in school for 7.8 years in average, which is enough for them to finish the primary school studies only (SSS, 2008). 78.2% of the population in the West engaged in primary education with $681/month in average (SS, 2009), which is far from enough to support the children to go to school. Their offspring will still have a generally low education level, the Vicious Circle is created. They may not be able to engage in secondary education which may offer better salaries all because of their low education level. This would affect the potential of economic improvement in Western China.

Hope it may help.
Good afternoon.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:08:00
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