Authorized Version vs New World Translation?

2013-05-05 3:37 am
Im only curious why is that in 1 Jn 5:7 of New World translation bible telling a different story compared it to the Authorized Version? I want to know the basis of the changes. thanks

回答 (10)

2013-05-05 3:52 am
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1 John 5:7 is an interpolation in your Bible and scholars agree with this. It was falsely added to support the Trinity.

This has nothing to do with "JWs changing the Bible." This is a proven fact that non-Witness people educated in religion know and acknowledge.

Pastor Art-The NWT committee was anonymous so how do you know if they studied Hebrew or Greek.
2013-05-05 3:40 am
The New World "Bible" is not even a Bible. It is not a translation. It is a rewrite of the Bible made to conform to Jehovah's Witnesses teaching.
2013-05-05 3:40 am
The Jehovah Witnesses have rewritten the Holy Bible to fit their agenda. Another example would be

John 1 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

They changed verse 1 to say and the Word was "a" god and lower case "g: on God.
They have also predicted that Jesus came back numerous times .They dont celebrate holidays or birthdays. And of all the ones I have met and known they all have the "Im right,you are wrong" attitude,no matter the subject you are speaking of.

Catholic Christian †
2013-05-05 3:44 am
None of the five translators of the New World Translation have ever studied Greek or Hebrew.

The JWs won't even tell you who they are.

The "Authorized Version" was never "authorized" by God.

Read the NIV, NASB or ESV.

In the NWT, the JWs just put their own beliefs into the text.
參考: 47+ years following a Jewish Carpenter & studying His Book! I am the real Pastor Art, not the clone.
2013-05-05 3:39 am

The intent of the NWT is to restore the original meaning.

2013-05-05 3:41 am
1 JOHN 5: 7, (8)

KJV (Authorized version)
For there are three that bear witness << in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one.>>

NWT (New World Translation)
For there are three witness bearers, the spirit and the water and the blood, and the three are in agreement.


The above illustrates the shortcomings of Received (Majority)Text as it was produced without the benefit of major texts that were subsequently discovered, texts which shed significant light on the contents of the original biblical writings:

<< "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the spirit: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth" >>

The fact is that the above words were NOT contained in any of the early Greek manuscripts examined by bible scolar John James Wetstein (1693-1754) indeed since then many experts agree they were in fact added to the bible and not part of the original text. For example, the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209 of the early 4th century does not contain the words, but brands them spurious.

The additional words at the end of this verse are missing in all Gk MSS except four later MSS and in the Oriental versions**. It is quoted by no Church father before Priscillian(380). There is no doubt that it is a gloss on the preceding lines, probably added in Africa or the Iberian peninsula."-John L. McKenzie, S.J., Dictionary of the Bible, The Bruce Publishing Company, 1965, p.445.

** most modern translations have removed the additional comment (referred to as "The Johannine Comma) I John 5:7 - omitted in the NIV

Related question (scroll down);_ylt=Agyx4Df0ZEhFmwzlsjDzOJTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100527073934AA0anbH&show=7#profile-info-SbiXH7ujaa

**Many other versions and translations such as the RSV, Smith& Goodspeed, RV etc. have these verses in brackets or in the footnotes.

SOURCE (Scroll down):
2013-05-05 4:04 am
The KJV follows the Received (Majority)Text manuscripts for the NT.

The NWT follows the Minority (Alexandrian) text manuscripts. All the modern bibles since 1881 do.

1 John 5:7 KJV is the clearest scripture on the trinity. The early church fathers quoted this in their lectionaries so apparently this scripture existed very early on.
2013-05-05 3:51 am
King James.

the jw bible, new world translation was published by them, the men who were on that writing committee did not know any of the languages of the bible to translate. That publishing corporation, the watchtower bible and tract society never used a bible scholar to validate the translation. That publication labeled bible has been revised like 5 times, to read as the jw's believe. It is a book dictated by their own doctrines.No one can revise the bible, only the author can revise a book.

Research the background of the translators of both versions and you will find that the jehovahs witnesses have added and removed scripture & words to force the bible to read as they teach.

here is a video on the new world translation bible-->

jw's foundation --> mute the sound, it is distracting.

the basis of the changes in the new world translation, is to twist & bend scripture to teach the untruths.To deny Jesus as God. to make him a lesser god just one of many. Jw's reject that Jesus is God.
2013-05-05 3:50 am
The New Testament contains 27 books with about 7000 lines of text. These books were hand copied for the first 1500 years of their existence, As such there are some variants that have crept into the text. Usually errors made by scholars where they dropped a line, miscopied a line, or duplicate a line. There about 40 of the 7000 lines in which there are debates about the original wording.

One of those verses is 1 John 5:7. Some of the earliest manuscripts include a longer version of the verse, which includes the phrase "there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Spirit, and these three are one". This phrase is not included in many of the later copies of the text.

This verse was one of the key text that was used at the Nicene Council to argue the doctrine of the Trinity. Since it was quoted by the delegates at that time, we known that it was already an accepted part of the text BEFORE the Council official approved the doctrine of the Trinity.

The JW's do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity. Since there are some later manuscripts which are missing this phrase (apparently dropped in scribe error), the NWs decided in their New World translation to drop the phrase.

It is one of many deletions and additions that the New World translation does. Unlike the Authorized Translation (commonly called the King James Bible), the NW translation was done anonymously by a group whose scholarship is unknown, received no peer review from other scholars, and did not include any translators who were not bias in favor of the JW doctrines. As such, the "translation" is heavily weighted toward their beliefs and drops or adds words as need to slant/alter verses towards their beliefs.
2016-08-10 12:42 pm
Sorry i'm slightly off matter right here , however based on WALLY... As a JW we use the Watchtower as a be trained help, the bible is the principal instrument. The Watchtower does not claim to be prompted of god. It's synthetic, man written and we do not consider it to be the "phrase of god" but a be taught help. (an extraordinarily useful one, nonetheless). As it's not the word of god, yes, we might make human errors and guesses that might now not be accurate, as you will have tried to paraphrase. As a consequence the significance of the BIBLE, God's phrase to man. Now, again on subject. Many of us DO have a good time family events equivalent to anniversaries, there's no biblical purpose to not. We have a good time family pursuits, have holidays together, supply gifts, share certain events. Not nationalistic or pagan-centered rituals, but unique instances nonetheless. Have you ever been to a JW wedding? They are distinctive healthful celebrations, music, dancing, etc. And, btw, my non-witness relatives and acquaintances were as welcome and part of my wedding as the leisure of the friends who had been witnesses. (about 30 non witnesses and a hundred witnesses lol).

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