英文問題 "tracking along...."

2013-05-05 6:44 am
"tracking along the creepage distances" 點解?

回答 (4)

2013-05-05 9:32 pm
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"tracking along the creepage distances" 點解?
Before answering , read these references.
"What is the creepage distance for various types of insulator?
... One of the most common errors uncovered by product safety engineers stems from manufacturers and designers failing to fully investigate a product's creepage and clearance distances.

Creepage Distance(爬電距離)- Creepage is the shortest path between two conductive parts (or between a conductive part and the bounding surface of the equipment) measured along the surface of the insulation. A proper and adequate creepage distance protects against tracking, a process that produces a partially conducting path of localized deterioration on the surface of an insulating material as a result of the electric discharges on or close to an insulation surface.
Tracking that damages the insulating material normally occurs because of one or more of the following reasons:
*Humidity in the atmosphere.
*Presence of contamination.
*Corrosive chemicals.
*Altitude at which equipment is to be operated...."and from the dictionary :"tracking(漏電)(noun) - a leakage of electric current between two points separated by an insulating material caused by dirt, carbon particles, moisture, etc."

The meaning of "tracking along the creepage distances(沿着爬電距離漏電)" is
"producing a partially conducting path of localized deterioration on the surface of an insulating material along the shortest paths between pairs of conductive parts of an electric product."(沿着一件電器內兩個傳電部份之間的最短距離,因絕緣物表面的局部損壞而產生的部份漏電。)

2013-05-05 13:37:32 補充:
TOMING88's explanation of the phrase is ridiculous and a pure imagination of no basis of the English language at all.
2013-05-06 9:41 am
“creepage distance” 回答者:eicachan 已經 define 了.


有圖表, 或者幫助你更了解

2013-05-06 01:44:51 補充:
Tracking 不是解 ” 跟蹤”
Even 應用在電子工程學上, 有不同的 meanings.

應用在 ”creepage distance”, “Tracking” is the formation of unwanted conducting paths on the surface of a dielectric (or insulator), when it is subjected to high electric field. Such path often results from carbonization on the surface. 結果是漏電.

2013-05-06 01:58:12 補充:
I find it difficult to explain a technical word in layman’s term, not even wholly convincing myself. At any way, hope that may help.
2013-05-05 8:58 pm
tracking along the creepage distances
2013-05-05 6:01 pm
It means moving along the creeper plant growing along the ground or over the wall.tending to run along the ground as the tree creeper,as a rule.
It means you walk along the tree creeper.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:46:32
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