英文文法 - 解說

2013-05-04 1:48 am

< It is evidence that the presentation not only explained the information about choosing healthy food, but also convinced the audience to buy the food offered by their company. >

另外,< 這位學生在堂上釣魚(中眼瞓) >英文點講?


回答 (5)

2013-05-06 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is evident that the presentation not only explained the information about choosing healthy food, but also convinced the audience to buy the food offered by their company.

這位學生在堂上釣魚(中眼瞓) = This student fell asleep in class.

簡介會已於數天前舉行,當向別人轉述該事件時 explain 和 convince 應該用「過去式」. 原因事件在過去 (past) 發生. 講的人是講數天前舉行的簡介會. 不是現在或將來的簡介會.

evidence (noun) = facts, statements, or objects that help to prove something (證據,蹟象)

evident (adjective) = easy to see, notice or understand (顯然的,明顯的)

除了名詞和形容詞之別, 在意思上, It is evidence… 不同 It is evident …..
evident 與 evidence 沒有關系, 不是用 It is evident that … 可更 natural

你用 It is evidence that … 是否指整個 presentation 是證據, 證明公司是賣好的食物?

It is evident that ,,, 是指整個 presentation is easy to see, notice and understand, 講者明白其解釋 health food, 說服聽眾購買公司的食物?

2013-05-06 07:08:23 補充:
No offence to anyone
To 回答者: Ga
不是SVO sentence structure
如果是 SVO, verb 一定是 transitive verb, 只有 transitive verb 才可以 take an object.
is 只能作 linking verb 或者 auxiliary verb.
is 在這句子是 linking verb, 所以 evidence 不是 object

2013-05-06 07:13:41 補充:
To 回答者:Bluedy
not only to explain… but also convinced…

前用 infinitive, 後用 past tense, 使用 not only..... but also…最好能 balanced
2013-05-05 12:03 am
《模擬試題王》MockExam.com.hk 為香港最具規模的新高中公開考試HKDSE模擬Mock卷搜尋器,提供各科目最新的考試題目資訊、即時網上考試、評卷答案、改卷功能以及全港考生分數分 析,是最受學生歡迎的備戰考試平台。利用 MockExam.com.hk進行即時網上考試服務,無論你想挑戰中、英、數、通識、經濟、中國歷史、世界歷史、地理、物理、化學、生物等等的科目,你 都可以輕易找到心水題目和答案,助你在最短時間內提升你考試分數。
2013-05-04 5:47 am
There is evidence that the presentation was not only to explain the information about choosing healthy food, but also convinced the audience to buy the food offered by the company.
如果是講之前已發生的事或已過去的事, 可用past tense

句子的文法是可以的, 但如果是學生寫, 老師一定改你。
英文在不同的地區或國家都有其慣用的方法, 唔同的人有唔同的習慣寫法, 好難去界定。在商業社會, 這種英文是常見的。因為外國人就算本土的英國人或英聯邦國家的人的英文同我們用的也有出入, 只求明白, 內容清楚便可接受過關, 但如果你要求好官方的就另作別論。

Hope it may help.
Good night.
2013-05-04 4:43 am
1. 文法無錯,可用 SVO sentence structure 看看這句子:
Subject: It
Verb: is
Object: evidence that the presentation not only explained the information about choosing healthy food, but also convinced the audience to buy the food offered by their company

2. 但這句可更 natural,以下是2種可能的改法:
a. It is evident that (...)
b. It is a piece of evidence that (...)

3. 因你在向別人轉述,你應用 reported speech. 所以,你應用 past tense.

4. This student fell asleep during the lesson.
This is easy!~~
參考: Myself
2013-05-04 4:18 am
1. 文法無錯,可用 SVO sentence structure 看看這句子:
Subject: It
Verb: is
Object: evidence that the presentation not only explained the information about choosing healthy food, but also convinced the audience to buy the food offered by their company

2. 但這句可更 natural,以下是2種可能的改法:
a. It is evident that (...)
b. It is a piece of evidence that (...)

3. 因你在向別人轉述,你應用 reported speech. 所以,你應用 past tense.

4. This student fell asleep during the lesson.
參考: Myself,希望幫到手

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