carriage/ fact out/forward點解?

2013-05-02 10:58 pm
1. carriages / fact out點解? (下面呢句點解?)
We found that 2 of the carriages can not roll on smoothly and are in fact out of alignment.

2. in any way點解?
we will be more than willing to help you in any way we can.

3. forward點解?
and would ask you to return the faulty ones at your convenience with freight forward to our company.

回答 (1)

2013-05-03 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. carriages / fact out點解? (下面呢句點解?)
We found that 2 of the carriages can not roll on smoothly and are in fact out of alignment.

carriages = 馬車/拉車或機械(如車輪/車軸)結構上的承托支架,
另一個問題是你拆錯字: are / in fact / out of / alignment
in fact = 實在是,out of alignment = 車軸不對稱或不平衡(通常指中軸對接安裝誤差)

2. in any way點解?
we will be more than willing to help you in any way we can.


3. forward點解?
and would ask you to return the faulty ones at your convenience with freight forward to our company.
freight forward = 貨運速運(遞)

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