Venus and Pluto? PLEASE, answer?!?

2013-05-01 7:13 pm
My Venus in Scorpio conjucts my Pluto in Scorpio, both in a 1st house. I'm Libra rising, Sag. Sun and Cancer Moon.

What does it mean?

Please, don't answer if you don't believe in astrology.

回答 (1)

2013-05-01 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Venus rules our love life. When Pluto, planet of control and power, conjuncts Venus there is often a tendency to desire to 'control' the relationship. Sometimes I have found that being in a relationship in which one has control is even more important than being in love. Such is the power of Pluto when it conjuncts one of our personal planets (sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars).

So I would suggest that you 'check yourself' in order to make sure that you don't choose 'control' over 'love.' Venus conjunct Pluto positively gives one the power to love deeply. It is just important to not desire the 'control' of the relationship.

Pluto is the Ruler of Scorpio so this sign heightens even more the possibility that 'control' might be rather easy to do in a relationship. So just be aware that there must be compromise and cooperation in order to defy the need for power when in love.

Since your Venus/Pluto conjunction is in the 1st House I imagine this gives you quite a sensual appearance as the 1st House rules our personality and personal appearance. Venus in the 1st House often confers beauty too. And Libra Risings are often the 'natural' beauties of the zodiac so unless there are some hard aspects to your Rising and your Venus (squares and oppositions as we know you have Venus conjunct Pluto) I imagine you are quite the beauty.

You have a duality in your nature (sun sign) and your emotions (moon sign) with your Sag Sun and your Cancer moon. Sag often loves the outdoors and seeks knowledge and new experiences while Cancer Moon loves their home and family and often keeps the 'home fire burning." Cancer Moon often produces some excellent cooks as their dishes are made with love.

So your Sag Sun nature will require that you study and/or travel the world but there will also be an opposite desire to return to your home and family. Cancer fears the loss of a loved one more than anything so I imagine 'home' will be on your mind even when you are miles and miles away. We often have 'dual roles' in our being and your Sag and Cancer are dual and different energies.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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