Advice on this virgo male!! Please!?

2013-05-01 6:43 pm
I would like to hear from Virgo males if possible. I met this virgo guy about 4 years at a job and I had the biggest crush ever. He was aware of how I felt. He showed me he liked me and other times he would act like he didn't know me. I took that as he really didn't like me so I left it alone. I'm a female capricorn and I refuse to chase a guy no matter how much I like them. Shortly after relocating to another state, this virgo reaches out to me. I figured since we were intimate before that he probably just wanted sex but after I told him I relocated he still keeps in touch. What kills me is he only calls every blue moon and is surprising nice to me which he never was at the beginning. Is he buttering me up for sex when I come to town or can it be something else. I just don't want to be used. It's hard to tell because we don't talk often and it's hard to read him.

回答 (2)

2016-03-08 7:57 pm
If a Virgo doesn't want you anymore, they don't want you anymore. And you can't make them come back - they will only come back when they want. As a Virgo female, if I say I love someone I mean it - but because of specific problems, my Scorpio ex and I of two years were also falling apart and it became less believable when I said I loved him. There was a point where I even stalled when I said it to myself. What happened was that I really loved him a lot, but the relationship was stressful and things were unraveling and I was gradually falling out of love with him - but I held on because I cared about him as a person and I wasn't yet aware of that difference. I can see what you mean about the careless part. I've had to really go out of my comfort zone and express my feelings more than I wanted to because this Cancer guy that I'm talking to now has often told me that he feels as though I'm truly uninterested and nothing could be further from the truth. It's just that I am very private with that. Depending on how long you guys are together, you should be able to tell what things he does shows true love.
2013-05-04 9:13 pm
I have been surrounded by Virgos all my life so I have an understanding of how they 'work.'

The first thing you must understand is that Virgo is not an emotional sign. People often feel that Virgo doesn't really care about them due to this trait of being unemotional. It is through our emotions that we 'show' our love for others but Virgo just doesn't have much ability in showing emotion. This is why Virgo is so confusing to have a relationship with.

I think the fact that you can't 'read' him is what's causing the confusion. Well join the club because I had a Virgo boyfriend years ago and I didn't really enjoy his critical nit-picking comments about everything really! He had a fit when we went to a nice steak restaurant and I wanted to use steak sauce. Lordy you would have thought that I was a child being reprimanded for even thinking about putting some Heinz57 on MY steak. Just an example of how Virgo thinks. These critical Virgos often lose the girl due to their constant 'opinions' on everything and of course Virgo believes they are always right!

So I understand your confusion. Especially since you are a Capricorn that doesn't appreciate having another making all the decisions. Capricorn has strong ideas of how to run their life and having someone jumping in and out of your life goes against everything Capricorn stands for such as being loyal and genuine.

I think this Virgo is keeping you 'on the chain' because he is hopeful that when you see him that he will get a booty call. Capricorns are known for their sexual prowess. Sounds like Virgo wants to be with you again but don't forget you get the last word here.

Do you want to be an 'occasional' booty call? I doubt that you do because that is being under-handed and Capricorns do not appreciate being used for one second. And the way that he rarely calls does seem to show that he is desiring to be with you but not in a long-term way.

When you can't 'read' someone it is probably because they aren't being totally honest with you. And Capricorn will not stand for that. So I would be hard to reach as in not answering his calls for several times and see how much effort he puts in trying to get in touch with you. This will tell much about his motives.

And I have learned that whenever I have to 'question' something it is because something is just plain wrong. This guy is sending mixed signals and that's not fun for you! So play hard to get and see what happens. I just am getting a 'not good' feeling about this situation on so many levels.

Find you a solid stable guy that has some ambition and wants you as a life partner. Capricorns work hard and earn everything they have even when it feels like you aren't making progress. But Capricorns are heads of many large corporations and CEOs too. It sounds like this guy isn't worthy of you as you are deserving of love. Virgo Guy doesn't seem to be 'all in' so find someone that is 'all in' regarding a relationship with you.

Good luck and bless you too. Hope this helps and remember Virgo isn't the easiest sign to have a relationship as they are unemotional. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33

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