Please tell me how to love god?

2013-05-01 10:05 am
I'm posting this question just to get the idea that bother my mind.

We know that we love god, and god want us to love Him. The situation is like a parents who love and take care of their children and hope their child love them back. But, what if the child does not know how to express this feeling even if the child really love their parents. what should that child do so that the parents see that the child love them?

回答 (15)

2013-05-01 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
don't get confused with what atheists just need to use your commonsense to under if there's a god or not.

I'm a our religion the love of god is reflected by following god's order and doing what he told us to do.we can mainly find his orders by reading the Qur'an, in Islam this is the last book which is from our god with guidance.

we believe Injeel was the book for Jesus (peace be upon him) but we also believe it extinct.

If you're a Cristian then you should read your holy book....and look for guidence.....and do what god asked you to do... :)
2013-05-01 5:38 pm
The love of God, explained.

Love is not a feeling. It is not about liking somebody or something. Love is what you do, because you care

for somebody else. God loved this world so much that He sent Jesus to die in our place. That is love. That

was a sacrifice. Jesus loved us so much, He cared for us so much, that He obeyed God the Father and He

suffered and died in our place for our sin because He loved us. If we LOVE JESUS we WILL OBEY HIM. It is

not about liking, it is about action. Jesus said: If you love Me, DO what I command. Dear friend, it is not

about feeling. There is no reason why God should love me? There is no reason why God should love this

world, that HATES HIM, that DESPISES HIM, that SPITS IN HIS FACE, that DENY HIM. People want Jesus to show

His love to them. He has already done it dear friend, He loves you, HE DIED for you. But now HE IS ALIVE.

And if you don't LIVE for Him and OBEY HIM you have no part in Him. There is no reason why you should spend

eternity in His Heaven with Him. To love is a DECISION it is not a feeling. Because you CARE for somebody,

you watch out for them. You do things for them and it is not because you like them it is because you CARE

for them. God cared for us that much, that He did not ABANDON us. This world DESERVES to be DEMOLISHED.

The people that God created, that HATE HIM so much, deserve to be DESTROYED because they HATE HIM. They

destroy His planet, they destroy each other, they WAR, they WHORE, they KILL each other, they ABORT their own

babies, they live in utter immorality. They don't love God, they love their LUSTS and they HATE each other,

they EXPLOIT each other. Love is not what you can get OUT of it. Love is acting because you CARE. Dear

friend, if you do not LOVE JESUS and OBEY HIS WORDS, there is no way that you will enter into Heaven. Do you

love Jesus? It is a DECISION to OBEY JESUS it is not easy. It is not easy to love YOU and ME, but God loves

us. It is not easy to love God. It is not easy to obey Jesus, but if you don't obey, you won't have eternal

life. Love comes at a price and if you don't PAY the PRICE then you cannot have the reward. The reward is

ETERNAL LIFE for those who LOVE JESUS and demonstrate their love through OBEDIENCE to HIM. May Jesus bless

2013-05-01 5:08 pm
We grow in love to God by trying to obey His command to love one another for where love is, there God is also.
參考: The above link is to a short story by Tolstoy the great Russian writer. Tolstoy exactly answers what I think is your question. It was a powerful story to me.
2013-05-01 5:09 pm
I couldn't love something with no form, location or existence, so you've got a challenge ahead of you. Maybe you could practice by wrapping your arms around a column of thin air.
2013-05-02 2:43 am
The Advocate.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. j
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate* to be with you always,k

the Spirit of truth,*
which the world cannot accept,
because it neither sees
nor knows it.
But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you. l
I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.*
In a little while the world will no longer see me,
but you will see me, because I live and you will live. m
On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you. n 21
Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father,
and I will love him and reveal myself to him.” o
2013-05-01 7:05 pm
By reading and studying His love letters to us (the Bible).
By being obedient to His will.
By being holy and forsaking sin.
By trusting in His promises.
By loving others.
2013-05-01 6:33 pm
Please tell me how to hate God.

Please tell me how to commit DEICIDE.
2013-05-01 6:21 pm
Obedience and trust.
2013-05-01 5:34 pm
1.Go to church
2. wear a cross, crucifix, or rosary
3. read the bible.
these are things you can do to symbolically, ritually, knowingly show you live him.

another way is to do charity work for your local community
2013-05-01 5:27 pm
when speaking of love towards parents and children and vice versa, the easiest way is to show them by pleasing them, do things that they want you to do, the simple things, everyday things,communicating with them, talking with your parents whether it be about general things is always a start, the simple things will lead one to speak of personal things, you get to know each other, not just as your parent but as a individual, with different personality traits, their likes and dislikes, their attributes and faults, you can learn from each other, it is not always a one way life. A parent will never know everything, yet while they know more than the child, they too can learn from the child, to know how ones thinks is a personal discovery one which you will only find when you have formed a relationship that means communication.
How to love God, that has similar ways, communication, he communicates to you through the Holy Spirit, which can be revealed through many ways I find the main source of Way is the Bible, for the Spirit will always speak the Word of God. Through these means you get to know the Lord, which leads to love. I have found God's love is different to that of a parent, for our love has limits, example? I will love them as long as they love me, A child does heinous things my love will be questioned. We say we love our neighbor, but truly do we? But God's love, No limits. It is written, "For God So Loved The World..." there are no but this or that, God is Love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

There is only one way to attain God's Love and that is through His Spirit(Holy Spirit), as one starts to seek the Lord diligently there they will find God whom is Love.
God Bless
2013-05-01 5:09 pm
We should respect and as well as take care of them.
2013-05-01 5:22 pm
I think the better thing to do is to love others, as well as yourself (though not in an arrogant way). Express love towards your actual creators - your parents. You think the starving africans or kidnapped victims who are raped daily love God? Does he love them? You're lucky you have the freedom of choosing your religion. Choose wisely, and don't just follow the crowd...
參考: Atheist
2013-05-01 5:10 pm
1 obey his gods 10 commandments
2 go to church
3 treat him with respext
ow and yes God is real
2013-05-01 5:06 pm
Don't love something that:
A) Doesn't exist.
B) If you believe it exists, don't love something that doesn't love you back.
參考: Atheist
2013-05-01 5:08 pm
It's rather complicated
1. Pretend the biblical god exists
2. Claim you love him

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