financial account 一問

2013-05-02 5:19 am
係我本Frank Wood's Financial Accounting 2
入面既然214頁既16.17題 (incomplete record)

有個point 話 all cash received other than the proceeds received from the sale of furniture was from trade receivables.
All cash received has been banked
except for cash drawing of 159000 during the year.


睇答案 佢cr account receivable acc
dr drawing acc

正常黎講cash drawing 唔係 dr drawing cr cash 咩?

個account receivable acc 係working 黎

回答 (1)

2013-05-02 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實個full version的answer 係咁

Dr Cash
Cr Account receivable

Dr Drawing
Cr Cash

通常預到呢d 情況, d 書suppose 你已經有一定的會計知識, 所以就會簡潔左個answer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:27:08
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