Do Scorpio males get cold feet?

2013-05-01 2:31 am
Like scared to go back into a relationship that didn't work out too we'll? But they will hover or stick around. Do they stick around because they care? Is it control? Boredom or sex?. Will he eventually move on ..are Scorpio males the protective type like he probly wont tell me if he has a gf because he wouldn't want to hurt me?
I've told this man so many bad things he was doing bad at the time. But he never deserts me like other guys would. Is he testing the relationship to see if we are meant to be?

回答 (3)

2013-05-04 8:48 pm
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Yes Scorpio Males and Scorpio Females get cold feet. It is because Scorpio must have control and how can you control your heart? How can you protect your heart? These are the questions that Scorpio hones in on when getting into a relationship.

When we open our heart to love we become vulnerable. Scorpio hates being vulnerable in any way. So there is vulnerability when Scorpio (and everyone else) opens their heart to another because they KNOW the possibility exists that they might get hurt. This is what Scorpio wants to avoid. Getting hurt. Opening their heart. Loving another. Trusting another.

So when a relationship doesn't work out well for Scorpio this only cements that desire to remain free from being vulnerable in order to not get hurt. This is why Scorpio takes so much time going into a relationship. Scorpio IS symbolized by The Scorpion and Pluto is Scorpio's Planetary Ruler. This is why Scorpios take so long to trust another. They have an inherent mistrust of others. So you have to 'prove' your love for Scorpio by making sure they understand that you are worthy of their trust AND that you are loyal only to them.

If a Scorpio is 'sticking around' there must be some attraction because Scorpio rarely gives one a second chance. Now if the sex is good you might continue to be a 'booty call' for Scorpio but Scorpio wouldn't think of you as a potential life partner.

Scorpios are very loyal when they find a mate that they trust. Possibly he is trying to find out if you ARE potentially a life partner. But if he does have a girlfriend then I wouldn't stick around if I was you. If he doesn't have a girlfriend then maybe you are getting a second chance because Scorpio does not stick around with someone they do not trust. So I feel that he does trust you even though you said some bad things about him. Scorpios aren't afraid of the truth. Scorpios are more afraid of being with a liar.

He hasn't deserted you yet so if you ARE interested in him you have got to give him 100% honesty. Maybe that is why he's still sticking around in that you DID tell him the truth even though it wasn't especially 'good' truths. See how Scorpio loves the truth? Scorpio is very observant and if he was done with you he wouldn't still be getting in touch with you.

So if you want this guy you've got to fully be in 100% and continue to be honest with him. Don't flirt with other guys when he is around. Give him your attention as this lets him know you are serious about a relationship with him. Be loyal. Be honest. Tell the truth. This is what Scorpios desire.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too. It takes a long time to become a mate of Scorpio but they are worth it due to their strong loyalty to their mate. I wish you both well.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-03-08 7:10 pm
i played w ur heart, got lost in the game, oh baby-bayba! Oops you think im in love, that im sent from aboooove, i-not- that-innocent! OMG!! I just tooootally love Britney Spears, you too huh!? she's so cool... I want to party w her and be like ***** yoooou!! to the paparazzi... Poor girls so broken hearted but anyways i think you should relax, maybe look w/in yourself for the errors... i remember reading that you were married for a good part of the years you should of been dating and getting secure w/in yourself... i think you are back to that. idk just a guess hot sizzling scorpio chick out! :) Ive always wanted to sign out w that and chereograph the next Britney Spears dance moves :0
2013-05-01 6:18 am
Yes, Scorpio males get cold feet. They stick around because they care but that part they once gave to you may not be giving so freely anymore. That is because they need control. They do not want to be hurt again. It could alsp be about boredom or sex if you are not of great importance in his life. Also, Scorpios definitely test our their partners or potential partners.

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