急:::美國升學(Community College )

2013-04-30 7:31 pm
(1)請問我想問下係美國讀藥劑科副學士(Community College )升上美國大學有幾多機會?
(5)如果想讀美國讀藥劑科副學士(Community College )一定要考toefl嗎?如果要考
(6)可以介紹幾間美國讀藥劑科副學士(Community College )俾我嗎?


To Gary: 謝謝回答!! 咁如果我係community college讀Pharmacy Technology兩年制副學士,成績好的話可以升大學既3or4年?定係讀完美國大學之後要再讀藥劑科(要讀幾多年)?如果讀哂全部再番黎考執業牌?

回答 (2)

2013-04-30 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. N/A - Pharmacy is a postgraduate major in the U.S.

(The only thing related to Pharmacy in community college is Pharmacy Technology, which is basically a career training, rather a major leading to become a pharmacist.)

2. 3 years postgraduate. Due to limitation of space, you will most likely end up in private school, which can cost as much as USD$60,000 per year.

3. Pharmacy is a specialized major. Basically, in Hong Kong, it will only be offered in the Bachelor level only, which takes 4 years at least.

4. No.

5. Regardless of majors, TOEFL is required. (And no - technically, HKCEE Level 2 can be considered as you have failed the exam.)

6. See #1.

2013-05-01 06:05:13 補充:
1. You can, but it won't be the same major.

Pharmacy Technology is basically a career trainning (even in Associate Degree) leading to a occupation known as Pharmacy Technician.

2. Yes. (3 more years)

3. I am not sure - licensing requirement changes time to time.
2013-05-01 10:27 pm

BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Pharmaceutics Major Program (PMP) is a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmaceutics. While the PMP is structured much like a basic science program, it emphasizes the foundational principles of science and research relevant to the pharmaceutical sciences discipline and features a unique interdisciplinary curriculum that helps students achieve better understanding of the factors influencing clinical response to drug therapy.

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