Gemini guy dilemma please help?

2013-04-30 2:16 am
the guy I like is playing hot and cold . one day we are really having fun together and he holds my hand , flirts with me , say how much we get along ,implies that he wants to kiss me , and be a gentleman. and the next day he is being cool , he says hi and smile but doesn't talk to me but at the same time i am in his field of vision and if our eyes meet he turn his eyes quickly and if I come close to talk to someone else sitting next to him he acts like he wasn't watching me coming closer and play cool.he is a shy nice guy but I don't know what is wrong with him

回答 (1)

2013-05-01 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The reason your Gemini is playing "hot and cold" is due to the quick mood changes that plague Gemini. I have observed that you never know 'which' mood Gemini will be in when you knock on their door. It is very difficult for a Gemini to maintain a constant consistent nature. So sometimes Gemini is happy and friendly and at other times they are rather rude and upset too.

The Symbol for Gemini is The Twins and this should help you understand the Gemini Nature. The Twins are a great symbol because ordinarily real twins assume a dominant and a passive persona. This is a good explanation for Gemini mood swings. But the tough part is learning to adjust to Gemini's quick and often fierce mood changes.

So 'what is wrong with him' is that he can't control his moods. When he's happy everything is great but that 'happiness' won't last forever. And Geminis often bore easily and when bored they are more susceptible to the 'not so good' moods.

I always suggest that Geminis find a hobby so they have something to do when they are feeling bored. It sounds like you haven't seen this Gemini at his worst which is a wonderful thing. Perhaps he has other energies in his chart that help him with anger issues as most Geminis have a bad temper at times. Those in long-term relationships with Gemini often learn to 'disappear' when their Gemini Mate is in a bad mood because they can get 'out of hand' at times.

And I do suggest that Gemini not marry until they are mid-to-late twenties because many Geminis can be 'players' when young and have problems sustaining a long-term relationship. We do have to take the 'good with the bad' when we are in a relationship but 'the bad' isn't pretty for Gemini. They often say hurtful things when they are in a bad mood so you just have to sort of let things run' down your back and try to not take them so seriously. Eventually the mood will improve. Such is a relationship with Gemini.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you and your Gemini Guy too. Try to keep things light and your main dilemma is learning how to just leave Gemini alone when he acts all distant towards you. Believe me it is only temporary. Changing moods are frustrating for you but it is frustrating for Gemini too. So be kind and just give him plenty of space when he is 'acting out.' I wish you both well.
參考: Amethyst33

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