What would a man with Pisces Sun have in common with a woman with Pisces Moon?

2013-04-30 12:07 am
What is that like? What is that like with other signs?

Ex: Leo Sun (person A)/Leo Moon (person B)
Gemini Sun (person A)/ Libra Moon (person B)

回答 (5)

2013-05-03 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually a female's moon sign being the same as the male's sun sign is very compatible.

The Sun is our nature. Pisces Sun probably has a caring and compassionate nature and may be very creative too.

The Moon is our emotions. Pisces Female is probably emotionally 'open' with people in general and much more so with this Pisces Male. The Pisces Energy 'shared' by his sun and your moon is very compatible. In other words his nature blends well with your emotions. That's a good thing to see when comparing charts.

Pisces is also a psychic sign so you probably 'know' what the other is feeling without exchanging 'words.' Pisces Energy 'absorbs' other people's emotions and this is why Pisces is so good at feeling the emotions of the people they are around. This compassion and empathy for others is strongest in the sign of Pisces.

The greatest 'negatives' of Pisces is deceit, 'users', and liars. People with these traits have chosen to make new negative karma. Pisces is all about 'cleaning up' our karma so being honest and genuine is important in order to evolve into a better person.

Another trait of Pisces is that they tend to believe what others tell them and this is why Pisces are often victims of those with poor character. Pisces has to learn to ignore what people say and instead, watch their behavior.

Past behavior is the greatest indicator of future behavior. So if someone's 'words' don't match their behavior, you need to immediately sever that relationship as Pisces is 'good' at getting used by others. Pisces just tends to be naive and gullible. So watch behavior and only hang out with those of good character as absorbing negative emotions from others isn't healthy for Pisces especially. Choose your friends wisely.

So yes I do feel that there could be some strong compatibility here but the entire chart is really needed for interpretation. Venus is the Planet of Love so this is important in compatibility regarding our partner in this lifetime.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you both.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-12-16 10:21 pm
Pisces Sun
2016-10-01 9:59 pm
Moon In Pisces Woman
2016-03-18 9:32 am
pisces and aquarius are very good matches. jus make sure pisces knows how to exactly get the emotion that they need from aquarius. be careful of them being very playful. only do it if you can handle it.
2015-08-21 2:49 am
This Site Might Help You.

What would a man with Pisces Sun have in common with a woman with Pisces Moon?
What is that like? What is that like with other signs?

Ex: Leo Sun (person A)/Leo Moon (person B)
Gemini Sun (person A)/ Libra Moon (person B)
參考: man pisces sun common woman pisces moon: https://bitly.im/vPdRe
2013-04-30 12:08 am
Being a Pisces.

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