Help with girl names?

2013-04-29 11:16 pm
So I have to take home a fake baby that cries and stuff for the weekend for Child Development and I'm pondering over names. Here are my girl names. Please give a middle name too, and feel free to play with spelling

Dahlia (dal-e-uh)
Zakaria (Za-car-e-uh)

回答 (8)

2013-04-29 11:16 pm
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Haha I had to do that too, have fun not sleeping! I really like Dahlia it's cute :) Maybe Dahlia Claire or Avery Charlotte is cute too.
2013-04-30 6:29 am
Charlotte Louise
2013-04-30 6:24 am
I think I am going to change my choice on this one, instead of Dahlia that I answered first of all, am now going for Zakaria Garnet. Hope this helps.
2013-04-30 6:21 am
~ Dahlia- I dont like this name. It reminds me of the Dahli Lama. I probably spelled that wrong but, Im sure you know what I mean :)
~ Makenna- I dont like it. Its made up. And I realize that its only for a school project but, even so, I wouldnt use this name.
~ Carolyn- Beautiful. I do prefer Caroline just a bit. I love Carrie for a nickname.
~ Danielle- Its old. Its boring and I feel that its run its course.
~ Avery- Love it. One of my favourites.
~ Charlotte- Gorgeous. Its in my top five.
~ Gabrielle- I feel that this one also has run its course. It was popular a few years ago, and it may still be but, I dont find it to be a nice name.
~ Zakaria- This name sounds really made up and ghetto to me. Zara is nice, pronounced Zahr-uh.

Some middle name suggestions:

~Dahlia Hope
~Makenna Grace
~Carolyn Marie
~Danielle Jade
~Avery Charlotte
~Charlotte Grace
~Gabrielle Faith
~Zakaria Lynn
2013-04-30 6:19 am
I like Gabrielle the best, its a good choice, stick with that one in my opinion. :)

Gabrielle Jane
Gabrielle Maria
Gabrielle Kristen
Gabrielle Anne or Anna
Gabrielle Lou
參考: VPL
2013-04-30 6:18 am
I did that! Well... "I did that" haha

I took the bracelet off (slipped it off my wrist) and my mom did it:P

I like Avery, Charlotte, Dahlia and Dani (Danielle)

2013-04-30 6:18 am
Makenna dahlia is cute.
2013-04-30 6:18 am
Dahlia Raye :)

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