Std symptoms ? bloating ? twisted tingle feeling ?

2013-04-28 11:03 pm
To cut the story short about 3 months ago about a week after sex I believe, I couldnt urinate it hurt so bad not a burn but a pain it literally felt like my bladder was going to fall out I could not use the bathroom most uncomforable pain ive ever had, I gave it about a moth to stop then saw the doctor and was told I had a urinary infection (not tract) I took my pills but lost them and stopped half threw i still have this and plan on seeing my doctor whennoff my period. I'm worried tho thatbi mightnhave caught something my urrine is cloudy and very yellow I cant urinate as much as I want it stops I have a bloated stomach and a very sensitive stomach pressure on my lower smoach by my bladdeer ovaries whatevers down there hurts when pressure is put, my higher stomach at the start of my stomach after my rib cage is whats bloated I have weird tingiling lightly painful twisted feelings, my stomach also makes noises, a lot, (I ignored that until I read it can deal w hiv) my stomach noises is like stomach gas it dosent always neccocerally comeout but my stomaxh will make noise and then feel like its making or moving gas inside.. any info will help please thanks so much this is pretty serious

回答 (3)

2016-11-02 11:58 pm
參考: Eliminate Bloating Naturally Forever -
2014-07-16 10:05 am
very confusing subject try searching with yahoo and bing just that might help
2013-04-29 9:31 pm
Drink a lot of cranberry juice.

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