
2013-04-28 6:34 am
1.this year was no exception, i have no choice都用have,點解呢句用was咁怪?

2.wealth is no guarantee of happiness. 唔係應該用not咩,not先係解'不是'

to 囧; 問題一可否提供一些例子?

回答 (1)

2013-04-28 4:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1This year was no exception =今年(也)不例外。 no exception 指的是今年本身,而不是今年裡沒有例外。

2當not + indefinite article + noun是gradable(有程度之分)時,可以用no + noun 代替。例如guarantee也有分可信賴的guarantee和不可信賴的guarantee,所以用no guarantee代替not a guarantee是OK的。

e.g. Correct: I am not a human.
Wrong: I am no human. (人就是人,不能比別人更「人」)

Correct: She isn't a beauty, but she has a good heart.
Also correct: She's no beauty, but she has a good heart.

2013-05-10 23:31:55 補充:
He goes to the cinema every week, and this week is no exception.
All Chinese people are honest and brave, and Hongkongers are no exception.
Every Hongkonger works very hard, and whoever asked this question is no exception.

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