how can i find the lost item

2013-04-28 6:26 am
I have lost my service logbook and I need to hand it to my class teacher on Monday.
I am sure I haven't given to any people before (include parents and teachers ) 我點樣先可以揾到不見的 logbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u can suggest some way for me to solve the problem. thx

回答 (2)

2013-04-28 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
track back your memory,
go back step by step from where you use your log book last or often... and every new area search around.... can ask class teacher for extension or does he/she have it?

1) area search
2) people request search
3) poster? XD

All the Best!
2013-05-02 1:58 am
I feel really sorry for you. Hope you can find it out soon.

Maybe you can try:

1. Search around your bedroom, including all parts, e.g. under bed, on desk, between items and wall...

2. Search around your home, including places like sofa, behind and under it...

3. Search in your classroom

4. Ask your classmates

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