Radio Freq. in HK (20 marks)

2013-04-26 6:04 pm
I have recently found some radio frequency in the internet, however i got confused about the name of the radio frequency in Hong Kong Airport. In the following name and radio frequency provided, can anyone help me to figure out which can hear which communication(like " is responsible on listening to " communication)? thx You can answer in either English or Chinese, 20 marks is rewarded to the best answer !

HK center: 121.3
HK Approach: 119.1
HK Departure: 123.8
HK Tower: 118.2
HK ground: 121.6
HK Clearence Delievery: 129.9

@ Wilson wts the differences b/w tower and departure? etc Do this mean if i listen to departure, i am listening to take-offs? But wt does hk center and tower responsible for ?

回答 (2)

2013-04-27 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
The names mean the responsibilities of the channels already!



***** (1) Wrong. These are not radio stations. They are ATC channels.
***** (2) You will need an airband radio. Not ordinary one.

2013-04-27 12:02:19 補充:
You have to understand the whole ATC procedure before you can understand the meaning of these channels.
2013-04-26 9:21 pm

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