What to do if keep getting charged by scam site?

2013-04-25 11:33 pm
if keeping charged by scam site, like greatfunsite.com. What should we do to stop that? I heard that even if u close your checking account they can still charge u. How about telling the bank to get me a new card since I only gave them card number?

回答 (2)

2013-04-26 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
See folks.
THIS is why our schools need to teach financial literacy and life skills.

You go to your bank and sign an order to stop those payments.

This is not rocket science, goober.
It's time to be a grownup and learn to take care of your own life.
2013-04-26 7:08 am
Visit you bank and file an Affidavit of FRAUD. It is not having the number that is the issue. The REAL issue is that either you never authorized the charges, or you legally owe the funds, regardless of closing the account.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:35:21
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