Atheists: What proof do you need to believe in a creator?

2013-04-25 11:20 pm

回答 (36)

2013-04-27 9:43 am
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My DEAR LOVER ! (Jesus Lover) .Thank you so much for your efforts to bring the " LIGHT" to the Non- Believers. I know that you must be an "Angel of the LIGHT". From your profile : The date you jointed the site was 1/11/2011. This is my birthday.( How Fascinating ! As Believers , we ALL knew that :GOD always planned ahead !!!!). I can feel that ,there must be a strong connection between YOU and Me !! Maybe you're my other half , I AM looking for! hi hi ! Don't take it too serious ,OK ?=))). Seriously, I think that you shared the same soul with me of Archangel Michael or JESUS CHRIST!!!! From 1/11/ get ..1+11+2+0+11=25...2+5= 7. " Seven" is the number associate with ANGEL. ( You know that , don't you ?). And " Six" is always associate with the Satan !. Your profile is FULL of LOVE slogans. Your name and avatar said so, too. I knew that inside your heart you could feel that ,too ! Therefore, you MUST be an ANGEL on the missions just like Me !! So , KEEP UP the GOOD works my LOVE !!!!!

GOD will always be with you, my LOVE !

sphere...........Love you ALL ! GOD BLESS !

P/S: I will see you back home in Heaven once our missions on Earth are accomplished, OK my Love !? Be STRONG and BRAVE my LOVE. There is nothing to fear ,my LOVE. As life on Earth is like only a dream back home in HEAVEN !!!!;_ylt=AiBMFbGT7BborDHzMVhoPVdBVAx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130420071113AAgQlhI
參考: GOD is for REAL !!!!
2013-04-26 5:42 am
I'm not going to say I'm an Atheist , I just don't believe that a single entity could have created the human race especially when it's been scientifically proven and shown how the human race evolved over thousands of years , from the days of Chromagnon man to the cave man to today's human race there is physical scientific proof . As far as God goes what actual proof exists ? People say it's in the bible however the bible was written by a man . Is it easy to believe someone could spread water by stabbing a staff into the ground . Or that one could actually walk on water . There are too many races in too many different areas around the world and several different religions so who is to say which religion is right and which is not . Sorry to say my dear I feel Jesus was no more than a modern day con man that was very good at brainwashing people . Humans were around thousands of years before him and will be long after as well .
2013-04-26 3:52 am
It is the year 2013 and there still isn't one single bit of evidence to prove that a creator was needed! Do you got any???
I didn't think so!
2013-04-25 11:35 pm
I can't say specifically because I'm open to anything reproducible, verifiable, and peer-reviewed. I'll note, though, that I do accept evolution and the big bang theories. So, if you have a similar amount and quality of evidence for a creator, I'd believe.
2013-04-25 11:31 pm
Some evidence would be nice. The thing is theists claim that they believe on faith. And faith is an admission that you don't have evidence. Making matters worse is the fact that religious claims are extraordinary, as the claims include supernatural characters and events. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. With no evidence to support your belief other than faith, we are at what is known as an impasse.

Unless you have something other than faith. And please don't quote Bible verses as a book can't be evidence of its claims. Besides, you are taking what is in the book as true on faith. So we are back at an impasse.

The question is why you would believe something to be true without credible evidence? Especially when there is evidence that religious beliefs that exist to this day have their origins in the superstitions of humans from thousands of years ago.

The other question is why is it so important to you that there be a creator?
2013-04-25 11:30 pm
"What proof do you need to believe in a creator?"

Create something such as a monkey and make it appear on my desk.
But then again, it could be just the work of an super advanced alien.

How about telling me the entire history of everything in this universe and also his own story.
2013-04-25 11:25 pm
Oh, I believe in some sort of "creator," but that creator is not anthromorphocized into the god of the bible. Yoda put it best by calling it "The Force"

Other than that, no proof exists because no "creator god" exists, so it's all a moot point.
2013-04-25 11:27 pm
I do not know.

Even if performed under controlled conditions, supposed miracles such as spontaneous re-growing of an amputated limb might be possible through a technology we do not currently understand.

If your alleged god actually exists, ask him what proof I need. Presumably he would know being omniscient and all.

For that matter, why couldn't an omniscient being be capable of making a clear, concise, logically and internally consistent case for his own existence that does not violate the free will of his creation?
2013-04-25 11:24 pm
I can't think of anything that would convince me. But, any omniscient being should know how to convince me, and any omnipotent being should be able to make it happen without violating anything about my nature. If this deity is also all-loving, it should want to convince me. The fact that I am an atheist is therefore evidence against the existence of a being with those three traits.
2013-04-26 12:26 am
For some there will never be enough proof because they are in denial.

Like this passage after the but...4th line down 4th word in. Start reading there.

John 3:16-21 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who BELIEVES in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who BELIEVES in him. But anyone who does not BELIEVE in him has already been judged for not BELIEVING in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”

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