Omission of whether and if?

2013-04-25 5:11 pm
I am not sure if the following sentence is correct

'I am not sure I understand you'

I somehow find this sentence a little bit awkward because I think that 'if'/ 'whether' is missing between the word 'sure' and the second 'I'

So the 'correct' form of that sentence in my view should be like

' I am not sure IF/ WHETHER I understand you'

回答 (3)

2013-04-25 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence "I am not sure I understand you" is perfectly acceptable. If you would like to add the 'whether' or 'if', it is fine but they are not necessary.
2013-04-26 12:15 am
The sentence is grammatically correct and the meaning clear, so there is no need for the extra words. It is the same for the word "that", which can be omitted in so many instances.
2013-04-26 12:27 am
Both are wrong logically.
I am afraid I don't understand you.
The negative part should appear only in the latter half of the sentence

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:38:26
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