URGENT"medical report"

2013-04-25 9:39 pm
pls help me translate to chinese!
Upper Abdomen
1) The Liver is normal in size and shape
2) Diffuse Increased hyper-reflective liver parenchymal echotextures seen with focal
fatty sparing areas noted in the hepatic portal vein and gallbladder fossa
3) No cirrhosis seen in the liver
4) The common bile duct measures about 0.38cm in size
5) The gallbladder is normal in size and shape without wall thickening
6) No gallstone or polyp is seen within the gallbladder lumen
7) No splenomegaly or ascites
8) The pancreas is normal in sze and echogenicity
9) Aorta is normal and no thrombus seen
10) Both Kidneys are normal in size and shape
11) No stone or hydronephrotic changes detected in both kidneys

Lower Abdomen
1)The prostate is normal in size measuring about 3.36*3.06*2.97cm
2)This corresponds to a volume about 15.99cc
3) It shows normal in contour and no abnormal focal mass or echogenic calculus is
seen inside the prostate
4) A 1.41*0.86*1.43cm cystic lesion is seen in the right seminal vesicles
5)The urinary bladder is smooth in contour and the wall is not thickened
as well as no filling defect seen

Moderate fatty liver with focal fatty sparing areas seen in the hepatic portal
vein and gallbladder fossa

A cyst in the right seminal vesicle

Normal sonographic in the gallbladder , spleen, pansreas, aorta,both kidneys,
urinary bladder and prostate

please help !

回答 (1)

2013-04-25 10:56 pm
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參考: 本人並非註冊醫生,病況詳情請詢問醫生。

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