
2013-04-25 8:48 pm


1.) Getting a job in US and have them apply for you
2.) Get married to a US Citizens
3.) Invest in US to create job, you will need 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD to do
4.) Get a very high qualification and apply for waiver.
5.) Get lucky in Green card lotto


thank you

回答 (2)

2013-04-25 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are reading this:


To be honest, I am not incline to trust the answer, not because I was not selected for the best answer, but the questioner simply chose to the answer that was copied from another person.

In answering your question, unless your relative in the U.S. is your immediate relatives (parents and siblings), you hold no eligibility for immigrating to the U.S.

I never heard of a qualification can make a person eligible for immigrating to the U.S. without mixing with #1, which you still need a job bottom line.

In your case (I assume relative is not an option as well), you have in fact 3 methods:

1. Find a U.S. citizen spouse and get married to qualify;

2. Find an employer who are willing to sponsor you;

3. Diversity Visa - Green Card Lottery

Diversity Visa, or known as Green Card Lottery, is a U.S. Government program intended to increase racial diversity in the U.S.:


Basically, like Mark Six, upon meeting basic requirements, what you really need is submit your application to the U.S. Government website. People will be randomly selected for immigration. And yes - it is that simple (Better qualification will not help in this case).
2013-04-25 9:47 pm

Overview - Family-based Immigrant Visas

Two groups of family based immigrant visa categories, including immediate relatives and family preference categories, are provided under the provisions of United States immigration law, specifically the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Immediate Relative Immigrant Visas (Unlimited): These visa types are based on a close family relationship with a United States (U.S.) citizen described as an Immediate Relative (IR). The number of immigrants in these categories is not limited each fiscal year. Immediate relative visa types include:

IR-1: Spouse of a U.S. Citizen - Learn More
IR-2: Unmarried Child Under 21 Years of Age of a U.S. Citizen
IR-3: Orphan adopted abroad by a U.S. Citizen - Learn More
IR-4: Orphan to be adopted in the U.S. by a U.S. citizen - Learn More
IR-5: Parent of a U.S. Citizen who is at least 21 years old

Family Preference Immigrant Visas (Limited): These visa types are for specific, more distant, family relationships with a U.S. citizen and some specified relationships with a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR). There are fiscal year numerical limitations on family preference immigrants, shown at the end of each category. The family preference categories are:

Family First Preference (F1): Unmarried sons and daughters of U.S. citizens, and their minor children, if any.

Family Second Preference (F2): Spouses, minor children, and unmarried sons and daughters (age 21 and over) of LPRs.

Family Third Preference (F3): Married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens, and their spouses and minor children.

Family Fourth Preference (F4): Brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens, and their spouses and minor children, provided the U.S. citizens are at least 21 years of age.

Note: Grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and cousins cannot sponsor a relative for immigration.

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