Overseas uni financial aid

2013-04-24 12:05 am
Hi! I have a friend who will be going to university next year. She wishes to study abroad for a Law degree.

1. Which place would be less expensive (US, UK or AUS)? What would be the average expense each year?

2. Any universities in the suggested country offer financial help to international students?

3. Any other ways for her to get financial aid or to finance her university years?

I appreciate all your help!

回答 (2)

2013-04-24 11:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. Which place would be less expensive (US, UK or AUS)? What would be the average expense each year?

>> 最平應該會係aus, 之後就係us, 而最貴係uk, 因為生活指數會高一d. 英國一年如果係係倫敦既話要30萬HKD, 而AUS 同USA 就約15 - 20萬HKD 一年, depends 你係邊一個地區既.

2. Any universities in the suggested country offer financial help to international students?

>> 應該唔會有, 因為你唔係該國既公民, 所以國家係唔會俾錢又或是借俾你的, 以英國做例, 如果你唔係british citzen, 係唔會有student loan, 因為怕學生怕左讀完走左去唔還. (就好似有個外國人黎hk 借錢, 佢唔係hk人, 銀行都唔會批啦, 一樣道理). 如果你成績係好的話 (即top student), 大學係有機會offer scholarship俾你既, 但係位有限, 同埋好多時唔係full amount, 所以就算有scholarship, 你都係要自己出一舊錢出黎的.

3. Any other ways for her to get financial aid or to finance her university years?

>> either 睇下屋企人可唔可以幫手, i.e 如果有自己既樓就睇下可唔可以按俾銀行借錢, 如果冇的話, 就難攪少少, 一黎睇下自己既成績夠唔夠好可以同人compete 到scholarship (一般黎講gce 要a*a*a* 先有機, 如果係dse 既話就會係要全5/5* 先可以). 如果以上2個都唔得的話, 就可能要係hk 讀完, 再去uk 讀master, 但係law 有少少唔同既係, 讀完之後, 番hk 做野, 係要再考conversion exam, 好多朋友係英國讀完大學, 都係番hku 再考個pcll 先可以做律師. 所以如果未來都係想係hk 發展既話, 係hk 讀law 可能會比較好.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-04-24 7:28 pm
In this case, U.S. is not relevant.

U.S. does not offer law degree to undergraduate students.

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