
2013-04-22 7:08 am
"The insect making noise on the corner" might be a cricket.

Q1 為什麼NOUN (the insect)後面可以用making 點解可能直接變ING??

Q2 the insect makes noise on the corner which is a cricket it is correct?

回答 (3)

2013-04-22 10:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1 為什麼NOUN (the insect)後面可以用making 點解可能直接變ING??
"The insect making noise in the corner" 是一個phrase, 整個是一個noun.
"making noise in the corner"是形容"the insect"
所以"The insect making noise in the corner" 不能是ㄧ個stand alone sentence.
"The insect making noise in the corner" might be a cricket. 是正確的.

Q2 the insect makes noise in the corner which is a cricket it is correct?
正確: "The insect that makes noise in the corner is a cricket." 可是你也沒辦法那麼確定
所以: "The insect that makes noise in the corner might be a cricket."
或是原句" "The insect making noise in the corner might be a cricket."

eg. The worm making holes in the dirt might be an earthworm.
The worm that makes holes in the dirt might be an earthworm.
The worm (adjective clause) might be an earthworm.

2013-04-22 02:56:12 補充:
In this situation, "IN the corner" makes more sense.
2013-04-22 5:24 pm
subject=+adj. phrase=The insect=cricket
might be=verbal phrase to follow;
Sensible in grammar to say so.
2013-04-22 10:51 am
The insect making noise on the corner" might be a cricket.

Q1 為什麼NOUN (the insect)後面可以用making 點解可能直接變ING??
Answer: The insect making noise on the corner==subject;while
might be==predicate or verbal phrase;and a cricket==object.

Q2 the insect makes noise on the corner which is a cricket it is correct?
Answer: it is not correct because which ==corner; and you can write the sentence again: The insect which makes noise on the corner is a cricket.
參考: Myself

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