
2013-04-21 11:55 pm


本身有想過以work was on hold 或work was suspended作開頭......


回答 (7)

2013-04-22 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
"工程暫停"翻"work was on hold"是可以的,也可寫"the project was on hold"。
At the request of the landlord, the project was on hold on October 10 and the Christmas period last year.
2013-04-24 5:56 am
Because the requirements of owners, engineering on October 10 last year and suspended during Christmas.
參考: google翻譯
2013-04-22 4:52 am
The construction will be suspended on October 10th and duringChristmas time per the landlord’s request.
2013-04-22 1:40 am
Because the requirements of owners, engineering on October 10 last year and suspended during Christmas.
2013-04-22 12:37 am
Due to the requests of the owners, the (construction) work was suspended on 10th October and during Christmas last year.
參考: 自己
2013-04-21 11:59 pm
Because the requirements of owners, engineering on October 10 last year and suspended during Christmas.
參考: me
2013-04-21 11:57 pm
Because the requirements of owners, engineering on October 10 last year and suspended during Christmas.

2013-04-22 18:30:47 補充:
Because the requirements of owners, engineering on October 10 last year and suspended during Christmas.
以work was on hold 或work was suspended作開頭唔得架!!!唔啱英文文法!!!
參考: me, me

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