Do Virgo and Pisces have a good compatibility?

2013-04-21 4:15 am
birth date- September 10th (Virgo) 1995

birth date- March 10th (Pisces) 1995

回答 (6)

2013-04-21 4:40 am
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Most astrologers consider the sign 'opposite' ones sun sign the most compatible for them.

This is because each sign has what the other 'lacks.'

For example, Virgo stays busy taking care of all the daily details of life and makes sure they are accomplished. Pisces stays busy taking care of thinking about 'why' we are here on this planet and how they fit 'into' this infinite universe and most importantly, trying to understand what we are to improve in ourselves in order to evolve into a better person and 'overcome' the negative karma that we have 'carried' into this lifetime from previous lifetime. Karma. That is one huge topic.

So we have Virgo trying to make this a better world in the earthly realm of daily duties of life. And then we have Pisces trying to 'rid' ourselves of negative karma in order to evolve into a better person.

Virgo generally has an unemotional nature while Pisces has a very emotional nature. See how they both have what the other 'lacks? This is why typically the opposite sun sign is considered by many astrologers to be our 'best match.'

However there can be issues due to Virgo's relentless activity and Pisces 'apparent' inactivity as Virgo is firmly grounded to this planet while Pisces is definitely 'traveling' the infinity of the universe.

Virgo moves briskly as the mind can become bombarded with too many thoughts, therefore activity is a great distraction for these 'tend to be nervous' Virgos.

Pisces has so much, often too much, activity centered around trying to become a better person but they are always available to help one that is suffering as Pisces is a psychic sign that 'absorbs' the emotions of others. Pisces is compassionate.

And since you both are born on the 10th of the month this gives you a strong will and what you 'command and ordain' will manifest for you so be certain to always use this power for good means and do not be selfish or corrupt this power as this will 'backfire' on those born on the 10th of each month.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck to you both.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-04-21 4:19 am
In my Experience ONE OF THE BEST, Yes they are opposite but they are Cute together, I know lots of Couple, are Virgo and Pisces
2013-04-21 9:27 am
Hell no they bullies with no purpose. I criticize to help people improve. They do it to make themselves feel better
參考: A purposeful virgo
2017-02-17 11:21 pm
2016-03-11 9:27 am
* These signs are opposites, they are in opposition to each other. Which means that although they may have similar characteristics, their focus is on a totally different area. Virgo is sensitive on a personal level, Pisces is sensitive to the plight of the masses. Virgo takes things personally while Pisces is concerned with others. So although they can be sensitive to each other's needs, Pisces may sometimes not be aware of small issues. Virgo see the trees while Pisces sees the forest. Virgo will need to learn to be less critical and Pisces needs to learn to be more present for the partner.
2013-04-21 2:47 pm
They can be very compatible if they work on understanding each other and compromise

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