Satire Essay Examples? 20 points for best answer?

2013-04-20 8:32 pm
I don't really understand satire, and I have to write an essay on this? I'm giving away 20 points to someone who could help me write an essay on satire about something. Please do not plagurize this, as of copying it from a website or anything like that. I would just like to see your own personal knowledge on satire about any topic that you could think of. I'm mainly looking for high school level, so please make it appropriate. Thanks!

回答 (2)

2013-04-20 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How to live to be 200 by Stephen Leacock
is a great satire essay.

It was there in my english syllabus.

Some points of the essay:
how health maniacs exercise regularly but die anyway.
They don't drink tap water.
They eat food which contains protein, starch and whatnot.

Maybe you could look for it on the internet
and gather more information about it.

Good Luck! :)
2013-04-21 3:34 am
Satire is a form of often political parodizing.
I highl suggest you watch somein order for you o get the whole picture.

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