Why are Pisces so great to be around?

2013-04-19 2:19 am
I'm a Cancer Moon, and all the Pisces I've met have been totally cool and awesome friends.

I have an English teacher who's a Pisces and she's always fun to be around. She's always having fun and being nice and caring to everyone in the class. I have a friend that's also a Pisces and she's become one of my best-est friends. I don't think she's ever been mean to anyone. If she ever insults anyone, it's out of good humor or being sarcastic. The last Pisces I know is another friend, and he's completely cool to be around.

回答 (6)

2013-04-19 6:13 am
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Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are all Water Signs which makes them emotional though in different ways. Pisces are compassionate people that usually do not want to hurt anyone and this would combine well with your Cancer Moon which gives you great love for your family, friends, and loves.

So blending your Cancer Moon with Pisces Sun is very compatible for you. You both are caring people and this bonds you rather easily. Cancer is ruled by the Moon so you are very emotional and also psychic I imagine due to Cancer's psychic ability which is usually 'seen' through your dreams. You dream something and several days later it just manifests! So always pay attention to your dreams as they are predictive when Cancer Energy is strong in ones chart.

Pisces is our most compassionate sign and is very psychic particularly in 'picking up' the emotions of those that are hurting. Pisces 'absorb' other people's emotions just like a sponge absorbs water. It is important for Pisces to 'hang' with people of good character due to this ability to soak up others feelings. I suggest that Pisces only surround themselves with good and positive people because they also 'absorb' the negative emotions of others. Emotions are contagious and I feel Pisces are very comfortable around you with your strong and kind Cancer Moon. It is a beautiful and kind 'pairing' of energies,

Cancer's greatest fear is the loss of a loved one and that is why Cancer is 'accused' of being clingy and always wanting their loved ones around them. The only way that Cancer knows that their loved ones are safe is when you are around. This is just the nurturing and protective nature of Cancer, especially strong when Moon is in Cancer.

Hope this helps and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-04-19 9:21 am
I love Pisces cause they are so nice and they don't judge people
2013-04-19 2:24 am
Haha you know thats weird I'm a pisces and Im like that. I don't like hurting other peoples feelings, I'm funny(atleast thats what people tell me), and I'm a trustworthy hard working(but generally laid back towards people) person. People who get along easy with all types of people tend to just give off a likable aura I guess!
參考: Weird horoscope being correct
2013-04-19 3:41 pm
Pisces people have humor and charm. They can be silly which can be fun. They are sensitive and can be kind. Also but i'm not sure as i'm not an astrologer but one who knos some stuff about it because you have cancer moon you may get along well with pisces as pisces best partners are cancer and scorpio.
2013-04-21 9:33 am
Aww thanks :"> I'm a Pisces
Well this sign is basically very loving, caring, easygoing, accepting and stuff so it should be expected that it's great to be around them...hehe :">
2013-04-19 5:05 pm
They are just like that, all my Pisces friends are so much fun meanwhile the other ones are not so much fun but Pisces do have a hard time making up their minds from my experience.

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