Why most Pisces females and males have such beautiful hair ?

2013-04-19 1:20 am
I always noticed they have such silky and healthy hair.
Is it because they are water sign and retain moisture ?
I noticed many fire signs have dry brittle hair.

回答 (6)

2013-04-19 2:23 am
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I have a female Pisces friend. Her hair is wiry, balding and greying.
I think Gemini/Cancer/Leo have the best hair.
2013-04-19 1:21 am
All the signs have beautiful hair.
2013-04-19 1:22 am
My sister has Sun in Pisces.
She has very think, very straggly, very straight hair that will not take any styling or curling. If you gathered her whole head of hair into a pony tail, it would be no bigger around than your thumb.

You are reading too much into the Elements, I fear.
2013-04-19 1:51 am
I don't know but Pisces Suns/risings usually have fine,soft and wavy hair,water signs have soft features and the most beautiful eyes ever. About fire signs and hair I personally agree but I can't tell it's true for all fire signs...
參考: Leo
2017-01-13 6:00 pm
The Pisces boy looks to good to be actual! He is accepted with you and has virtually no difficulty gaining access to his thoughts and expressing them brazenly. he will love you because you percentage his inventive and prescient and also you're tender like he's, so he's accepted with of you'll under no circumstances harm him.You percentage a lot of issues in straight forward, inclusive of your signal ruler Jupiter. this delivers both easily one of you a religious outlook on life, and the skill to ascertain the rainbow lurking in the back of each and every darkish cloud.think ofyou've got to artwork at searching after sensible concerns, which includes being on time once you flow out. both of you may want to surely wander off in "l. a.-l. a. Land", because you're going to adore spending each and every spare second of time you've merely being jointly. Write down your schedules and recruit acquaintances to nudge you into the genuine international.This courting supplies the excitement of like to both those who receives excitement from it more effective than anybody else. yea.
2013-04-21 4:17 am
Our Sun Sign ordinarily does not describe our hair.

Our Sun Sign is our nature.

The 1st House is our personal appearance, personality, and first impression made.

Since our hair is so important to our personal appearance I would look at the Rising Sign, or Ascendant, which is the same thing...the cusp of the 1st House.

The zodiac sign on the 1st House has much to do with our hair and personal appearance.

Planets that occupy the 1st house can alter our appearance for positive and/or negative results.

Aspects to the Rising Sign will have power to alter our appearance also such as the hard aspects of the conjunction, square, and opposition. Then there are the easy aspects of the sextile and the trine.

There is no one correct answer due to the many variables each chart contains. However I have observed those with Venus Rising (Venus conjunct the 1st House) often have beautiful hair. I have noticed that Leo Rising often have thick hair, possibly because of the extra attention that Leo takes in preparation for an awesome personal appearance. Leo Rising is very particular about their appearance and spend extra time getting ready.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune and when located in the 1st House one often has both beautiful hair AND beautiful eyes. They often photograph well (especially when the rising sign is easily aspected) and have an other-worldly beautiful 'air' about them (though they are water sign).

When Mars is in the 1st House there might be a propensity for drier hair due to the fiery nature of Mars. The hair might not be easily controlled. And Aries doesn't usually spend tons of time on their appearance as they are an 'action' sign. Again the easy and hard aspects modify the interpretations.

The Rising Sign of Taurus often has a beautiful hair as Taurus is ruled by Venus. Libra Rising are often our natural beauties as they too are ruled by Venus.

Pisces is highly creative and so that might be a reason for their beautiful hair too. Pisces Rising could be quite gifted in creating an 'exotic touch' too as Pisces again is highly creative.

So bottom line check out how the Rising Sign is aspected and this often gives one an idea of 'what' that person is working 'with.'

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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