What attracts and keeps a Capricorn man?

2013-04-18 1:50 pm
I am a Libra woman and recently started dating a Capricorn and I have no experience with Capricorns

回答 (2)

2016-03-10 11:58 am
Look at your Mars sign...the type of guy your are sexually attracted to. Also look at your Venus. You may have Venus in Scorpio or in Virgo and the Capricorn males find you beautiful and sexy.
2013-04-20 10:06 pm
I just answered your other question and knowing that you are a Libra is helpful in answering this question.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is why they tend to be patient and persistent regarding their dreams and future. Saturn is known for causes delays and restrictions so everything Capricorn has they have usually worked hard for and have expended much effort.

You are a Libra which is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and close relationships. Libra most often dislikes crude and vulgar behavior and enjoys 'not rocking the boat." Libra loves harmony and balance in their lives. Since Libra's Ruling Planet is Venus, this often gives one a friendly and kind nature.

Both Capricorn and Libra are Fixed Signs which means they are good at beginning projects and can be stubborn. The nature of Libra (sun) is to be in a harmonious and balanced relationship. Libra is often known for their beauty and femininity as the symbol for Libra are The Scales of Justice. Hence, the desire for balance in Libra Suns.

This isn't considered the most compatible combination because Capricorn is an Earth Sign which is filled with practical common sense and Libra is an Air Sign in which communicating with others is very important.

Capricorn is introverted while you (Libra) are more extroverted. Libra requires plenty of interaction with others in order for them to stay 'balanced.' Unfortunately Capricorn isn't interested much in conversation instead preferring to be doing something that will move him forward in his ambition.

So if you really want this guy I would suggest that talking too much would not be pleasurable for him. And Libra really Is happiest when they are with someone as opposed to being alone. Libra begins the interaction of others in astrology being Ruler of the 7th House of Marriage.

Capricorn is the Ruler of the 10th House of Profession and How the Public Sees Them. Hence, the reason why Capricorn is so darn obsessed with success.

So if you really want this guy I think you can get him but talking too much and wanting to be together all the time might cause you some distress as Capricorns aren't generally the loud party 'types' and could care less about conversation most of the time. Capricorns love silence and Libra requires communication. I feel you just might feel too stifled in this relationship but of course both of your entire charts would have to be cast into order to really see the Big Picture.

Hope this is helpful and again remember that if this doesn't work out then it wasn't meant to be. You have needs and will want to be with someone that blends well with your needs. Maybe it's him. Incompatible signs get along great too because there is more than just the Sun to really see the full spectrum of your relationship.

Good luck to you and never to worry as Libra (particularly females) rarely have a problem finding someone to interact with and eventually bond with. Good luck and I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33

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