
2013-04-19 3:16 am
We are preparing the budget for next quarter (Jul-Sep). We have input the figures of property costs per(定用based on) your information. Would you please have an early review before we are having with Tommy? The relevant file is enclosed. Thank you.

我們正編輯下季度的預算,我們已填寫了從你所提供的物業成本(property cost)於XXX報告。不知道你能否在與陳生(tommy)開會前先在XXX報告檢閱一次,以確保和你的預算相同。謝謝

回答 (4)

2013-04-20 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
We are preparing the budget for the next quarter (Jul-Sep). We have input the figures of property costs as per(定用based on) your information. = both are acceptable

Would you please review it to ensure budget is similar to yours (just translate your orginal but can be deleted) before having meeting with Tommy? The relevant file is attached (for email) enclosed (for letters). Thank you.

or simply say

Would you please review it before having meeting with Tommy?


Would you please have a review before having meeting with Tommy?

我們正編輯下季度的預算,我們已填寫了從你所提供的物業成本(property cost)於XXX報告。不知道你能否在與陳生(tommy)開會前先在XXX報告檢閱一次,以確保和你的預算相同。謝謝
2013-04-19 10:13 pm
基本意思都沒太大問題,唯一大問題是we are having ??? with Tommy),這句亦有文法(are xxxing是錯的時態)修改:We are preparing the budget for next quarter (Jul-Sep). We have input the figures of property costs based on your information. Would you please have a preview before we meet with Tommy? The relevant file is enclosed for your attention. Thank you.附註:有關你問用per這形式是效為老英文,但亦有用的,不過是寫as per your information 或者話我引用你的講法/指示 = as per your saying/instruction才會這樣寫。Per單字本身不是引用或依據的意思,而是數學分數那種意思per person / per item=每一X。
2013-04-19 11:47 am
We are preparing the budget for the quarter of July to September. We have entered the figures of property costs based on your information. Would you please review it before having discussion with Tommy? In that way, I can be sure that my budget is in harmony with yours. Enclosed please the file for your perusal. Thank you.
2013-04-19 4:01 am
We are editing the budget for next season. We have already input the figures of property costs based on your information. Would you please have an early review of the report to ensure that it the same as your budget before the meeting with Tommy? The relevant file is enclosed. Thank you.
參考: me (DSE Level 5)

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