
2013-04-18 11:54 pm

活化歷史建築的好處 壞處 最好用雷生春做example!!! 有20點!!

回答 (2)

2013-04-28 1:30 am
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活化歷史建築的好處:雷生春雖活化和重建了,但仍保留原來的面貌和文化,讓更多人能夠認識到雷生春的歷史.Benefits Revitalisation of Historic Buildings: Lui Seng Chun activation and reconstruction, but still retain the original look and culture, to allow more people to be able to recognize the history of Lui Seng Chun.

2013-04-27 17:40:02 補充:
活化歷史建築的壞處:雷生春便會變得沒有歷史氣息,別人對雷生春就不會存在欣賞的價值,漸漸就被人忽視.Revitalisation of Historic Buildings and disadvantages: Lui Seng Chun will become historic, others would not exist Lui Seng Chun appreciate the value gradually neglected.
參考: , PINGE
2013-04-19 9:24 pm
好處是能夠騰出更多位置去建起樓(香港地少山多),壞處是不能保留有歷史價值的建築。The benefit is the ability to free up more locations built building (Hong Kong is small ), the downside is that not retain the historic buildings.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 21:55:26
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