How does a Gemini rising influence a Virgo guy?

2013-04-18 6:28 am
I am Virgo with Gemini Rising.Can anyone plz interpret this combination of virgo with gemini rising.

回答 (2)

2013-04-18 6:26 pm
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Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury which is our planet of communication. So you probably have a very active brain and possibly this highly active brain can go 'like lightning' at times due to the many thoughts going through your head. This is actually quite normal for both Virgo AND Gemini Energy.

Our Sun is Our Nature and Our Rising is Our Personality, Personal Appearance, and First Impressions Made when meeting someone for the first time.

Virgo Sun has a nature that is focused on the details and they can see a tiny flaw a mile away. This doesn't always endear Virgo to others because other signs don't have this ability. Virgo Sun is rather unemotional and prefers to stay busy because when Virgo is 'idle' their thoughts can become overwhelming so doing 'something' helps relieve those constant thoughts of detail

Virgo is known for being busy and I like to say they are always making sure that everyone has what they need as Virgo is the Ruler of the 6th House of Work and Physical Health. Many Virgos are health-conscious. Not all, but many.

Since the nature of Virgo is unemotional they often 'report' what they see and their words can be rather hurtful at times even though that isn't their intention. Virgo just sees a 'flaw' and then mentions what they see which can turn out badly at times. The intention isn't to hurt another's feelings but it does happen. So watch your words and try to think before speaking.

Gemini Rising at first meeting is quite likeable, spontaneous, and has a great sense of humor. However Mood Swings can be a problem as Gemini Energy bores easily. Try to find a hobby that you enjoy when you feel boredom coming on as this will help you 'work through' the mood swings of Gemini.

So you have a highly active brain and might have insomnia at times due to the inability to turn 'off' your brain. This combination makes for a 'busy' brain and there is a need to communicate due to all the Energy of Mercury, which rules how we think and communicate.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-11-12 4:46 pm
Gemini Rising

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