What are the effects of your North Node being the same sign as your Sun?

2013-04-18 5:01 am
I have my N. Node in Libra, but I'm also a Libra Sun.

What exactly was I supposed to learn?

回答 (3)

2013-04-20 10:24 pm
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Actually the South Node is what you have 'learned' and the North Node is the direction that you are currently heading in this lifetime. By the way ones South Node is not usually put on the chart as they expect that all will know that the South Node is exactly opposite the North Node.

So your South Node is in Aries which means in previous lifetimes you have been a great warrior full of independence and brave. Treading where angels fear to tread. This comes easily to you because this is something that you know well.

In this lifetime you are to focus on learning how to cooperate and compromise as Libra is the Ruler of The 7th House of Marriage and Partnerships. This might be somewhat uncomfortable for you since you are used to being independent in previous lifetime. So working with another and compromising and cooperating is something that is 'new' for you.

However having your Sun in Libra will help ease this transition because our sun is our nature and Libra loves working with another and in fact love being with another. Libra is happiest when they aren't alone. So you have your Libra Sun 'working' for you in this 'shift' between being alone (Aries Ruler of the 1st House of 'Me') and being in the company of others.

So I feel that your Libra Sun will assist you in learning how to share your life with another instead of being the independent Aries that loves to fight and loves 'conquest' even more!

I often state that our South Node is like a pair of comfortable house shoes that fit perfectly and our North Node is like a pair of boots that have to be 'broken in' in order to be comfortable and this takes some time to actually 'become' comfortable in those boots.

So just know that this lifetime is going to be filled with learning how to work with others and learning to compromise is a direction that you are headed.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-04-18 7:28 am
Your nodes are about relationships with other people; with a s.node in Aries you most likely like to go your own way in life and start things and do things alone. The trouble is, you do actually need someone else to maybe finish things off for you. You probably have a bit of a temper and so you have to develop a sense of fairness.
The houses involved will probably be more meaningful for you though.
2017-01-13 4:38 pm
between the themes with factors like the nodes is that all and varied feels loose to interpret them any way they desire without concern of contradiction because someone someplace has stated some thing like it in the previous. The nodes were defined as each and every thing from abilities, instructions needed to be realized to previous lives. None of this has any foundation in astrology's history. be conscious that none of those issues may be disproved. i will declare my north node ability i change into some thing from George Washington to Adolph Hitler. the in straight forward words requirement appears to be like that the conventional individual whom I once change into had to be useless in the previous i change into born. a similar is actual for instructions to be realized or previous life karma or although. trust those issues in case you want. even with the indisputable fact that once you've an pastime in what the nodes represented traditionally keep interpreting. the first element you want to understand is that the actual node isn't the north node. the actual node is easily one of two thoughts of pinpointing the nodes' position interior the zodiac. any opposite direction is the mean node. there's a real north node, a real south node, a mean north node and a mean south node. The respective nodes, actual and mean, are continually very on the fringe of one yet another. do not get hung up on the kind in region it truly is often 0.5 a level of arc or a lot less. The north node is traditionally linked with Jupiter, i.e. it truly is seen expansive and it truly is seen useful. The south node is traditionally linked with Saturn. it truly is restrictive and is seen malefic. Having the south node on the ASC or MC is seen a issue. Having the north node there is seen good. Having the north node interior a similar signal because the daylight is probable useful reckoning on what else is going on interior the chart, It has no longer some thing to do with low self esteem. in case you had the south node on the ASC, that could be indicative of self-damaging habit that could variety from lack of self esteem to suicidal dispositions. The nodes are frequently "presented on" via progressions or instructions. issues ensue even as they are conjunct planets, yet via themselves they don't let us know a lot. in case you want to get to understand your self with astrology concentration on the ASC ruler. it is you, good, undesirable and detached. don't worry about the nodes.

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