Awesome Confirmation name?

2013-04-17 5:30 pm
I'm making my Confirmation (Catholic thing) soon and I want a really awesome name that is either funny or cool.. i don't know. My first name is Mollie and my middle names are Angel + Daisy. I want something that could fit well? Maybe a Japanese name? I'd like you to help me anywayyyy, please make a list of names you think would suit me (have to be Catholic) or are just cool, THANKS ^-^

回答 (5)

2013-04-17 7:54 pm
It needs to be a saint's name. I suppose you can Google "Japanese saints", not sure there are any. Remember that the confirmation name is not one you usually use for anything. It is almost a 'secret' name and should reflect whatever patron saint you decide upon.
Personally I like St. Brigit. She was a really cool woman who was very strong and fearless and very much ahead of her time. It also goes well with your baptismal name since Mollie and Brigit are both Celtic names.
2013-04-17 7:11 pm
Hi, Mollie. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you. Here is a link to a list of the 26 Japanese martyrs officially recognized as saints by the church. Maybe you can choose one of their names as your confirmation name. Also, if you have special hobbies or interests you could look up who the patron saint of that is. I've included a link to some examples. Good luck and God bless you.
2013-04-17 7:44 pm
What about a Saints name? Bernadette? Teresa? or Mary after Our Lady?
2013-04-17 5:41 pm
I think "Spike" would make a great confirmation name.

Or "Spider."
2013-04-17 5:39 pm
mad, confirmation is the same thing as accepting christ as your saviour have you? read this I hope it helps.

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