What's the side effect of drinking alcohol while your pregnant?

2013-04-17 1:49 pm
Any share would help thank you

回答 (7)

2013-04-17 2:04 pm
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Depends how much alcohol you are talking about.

An occasional single drink appears to have no negative effects on mother or baby.
Heavy and/or regular use can lead to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, which can range from mild issues with attention or decisionmaking, to full-blown FAS, with severe mental retardation and damage to the facial and cranial bones.

(In the U.S. they recommend abstaining completely during pregnancy. In most other countries, light/occasional use is accepted.)
2013-04-17 1:51 pm
Risk for miscarriage, risk for having a baby with severe mental disabilities due to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, fetal death (stillbirth).

參考: RN
2013-04-17 1:52 pm
"Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome is reportedly the most severe effect of alcohol use during pregnancy. The March of Dimes explains that FAS is the most common known cause of mental retardation that is entirely preventable. Babies exposed to alcohol during pregnancy and are diagnosed with FAS are abnormally small at birth and typically remain small throughout their lives. FAS babies have characteristic facial features such as small eyes and thin upper lip. Organs such as the heart are not developed properly during gestation and the brain is often abnormally formed. Deformity of the brain often leads to the cognitive and learning disabilities commonly associated with FAS. Prevention of this lifetime disorder is simply choosing not to drink any alcohol while pregnant.

Alcohol-Related Birth Defects

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) indicates there are alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD) that may occur due to alcohol exposure during pregnancy. ARBD refers to the physical or cognitive deficits of the child as a result of alcohol exposure. The symptoms may range from mild to severe depending on amount of exposure and during what trimester the fetus was exposed to alcohol. The March of Dimes lists physical birth defects such as impairments to the heart and kidneys among the potential effects of fetal alcohol exposure. A child with ARBD does not have the facial characteristics like a child with FAS. ARBDs are more likely to occur as a result of exposure to alcohol during the first trimester when the organs of the baby are rapidly forming, however the other trimesters are not excluded in being vulnerable to alcohol ingestion.

Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Learning and behavioral problems are a potential effect of fetal alcohol exposure. Alcohol related neuro-developmental disorders (ARND) refers to learning disabilities as well as attention and cognitive delays. It is possible that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be another effect of fetal alcohol exposure and ongoing research is exploring this. ARNDs are less severe than FAS however, the longstanding effects make an impact on the life of the person with the disorder."

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/126606-fetal-alcohol-effects/#ixzz2QizV8y2m
2016-10-03 10:37 pm
once you drink alchohal you're surely ingesting poisen. yet your liver filters most of the *deadly* pollutants out. yet, there continues to be some left on your blood, and that blood additionally is going on your infant. And, your infant, being so tiny and under developed gets hit alot harder by making use of the poisen, frequently inflicting it to be horribly deformed. (mentally or bodily). it would additionally kill it.
2016-09-17 7:52 pm
Lots of valuable replies already for this
2013-04-17 1:56 pm
Risk of premature delivery, low birth weight baby, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol effects (milder version of FAS), learning disabilities, birth defects, language delays, behavioural issues...
2013-04-17 1:56 pm
Bad idea, Alcohol is not good for an unborn child. This is because they are in their early development while they reside in your womb. Last, if you care for your child and yourself, I would abstain from alcohol until after your child is born.

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