超急....my favourite pet既英文口頭報告

2013-04-18 6:40 am

回答 (2)

2013-04-19 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
My favourite pet is parrot. As it can repeat what you say, other people will be amazed by its voice. I love parrot because I like animals which can make people happy and because of its feathers. It has very beautiful feathers and looks colourful. As you know, parrot can also speak something funny. That's why I like parrot.
That's all, thank you!

(63 words)
Hope you understand~~^^
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]
2013-04-18 1:45 pm
Oral-presentation for one minute on pet means my doggie.
The pet as an animal kept as a plaything and treated with affection is my doggie.
Since my parents gave it to me I've to treat it as a darling in the family.
Treating it as a pet,yielding to its wishes can be exhausting.
Bring it to the pet show party shows the lovingly and gently touch towards it.
Expressing affection towards it causes money on its clinic and food daily!
If it dislikes Chinese Food, then I've to treat it with expensive tin-can food and associated care with my money!
The Chinese pet name given to it is "Wong-Choi" and we'll send it away in order to preventing a waste of money.
Thanks for your attention for one minute!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:25:10
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