我都已經17歲, 係女仔
7年尼日日都同打電話番香港同啊媽king 計, 我曾經有try to convince her 可5可以3日打一次俾佢so I dont have to buy so much phone credit, cuz 都唔平ga 仲要係IDD and she said no 因為我仲細. I understand...
BUT DUDE!!! Im 17 now ... Is it necessary to call her everyday?!
所以諗住同朋友去syd 玩around 3至4日
我尼左澳洲咁多年bin到都未去過! Only stay at BNE...
尼個朋友都唔知會唔會有可能會見到in the future. so we want to at least to go somewhere together and look for uni in syd for my frd.
咁我諗住佢應該都ok啦...因為我啊媽都知道我地係好frd o既又知道佢係唔會教壞我的朋友!
佢話咩個個term holiday 都要去旅行搞錯啊! 但係個truth係 I didn't went anywhere inside or outside of Australia during any of the holiday and my entire life!
only aust and hk thats all I went for my entire life.
So I was assuming that she was talking about June's holiday...
however 我話要stay in Aust cuz I have so much study to do, need to prepare for the most important exam in BNE and COME ON DUDE! im going bk to hk next year so I dont see the point for me to go bk hk just for 3 weeks !!!!! BUT she stills booked the ticket for me to return hk on june's holiday.
Anyway the days that we were planning to go syd is after all the exams like around September.
點知佢發晒癲話唔比然後cut 我線囉! 之前佢講過話唔鍾意我cut 佢線咁之候我都冇cut 過佢線la! 最近到唔知佢係到仲咩! 同佢king 親電話都會無lala係到發皮4!
Anyway 今次唔係我第一次問! 上年都有問過但係我知道我自己仲’細‘所以媽媽話No 個時我仲accept 到!
但係我今年都18 y.o la!
英文我又唔係唔識! 仲有我咁細個佢都pak 我去澳洲讀書佢都放心la!
點解BNE 同 SYD, MEB 咁近都唔俾去?! 我講過如果去到there I will stills call her everyday
總之就覺得好煩, 最近同佢講完電話都冇晒心情, 冇心機溫書做野!!
P.S. 我啊媽係個種決定左就算點樣convince 都change 唔到佢ge decisions o既 人尼ga TT
唉....我都唔知到時番到香港how am I gonna face her for the rest of my life -.,-
I know I cant choose my mother, but HOW?!