How do you be honest with a taurus guy about his family?

2013-04-16 10:14 pm
My taurus boyfriend is close to his family. I like them but honestly, I find his parents to be so insecure and petty. His scorpio mother JUST started opening up and being a bit warm to me but I find she gets competitive sometimes and will use her career as a chance to up her ego. His dad is a greedy/money hungry capricorn and who is so overly critical and judgy towards me and my career. He gives unwanted advice bc he's a know it all about my career (even though his job is far from mine). I can understand the difference between someone trying to help vs someone who believes he's god and puts me down bc I'm "failing" in my career now. They're nice to me and he admitted that they both like me but I don't want to see them that often.

My boyfriend is graduating grad school and still lives with them. He invites me to everything and has no hesitations or reservations in bringing me wherever his family goes. I go but sometimes I have to make an excuse not to bc I don't always want to be with them. Because we're adults, I feel like we shouldn't be around his parents all the time. I don't want to talk to them all the time and the less they know about us and my personal life, the better. Thing is, it's THEIR home, THEIR rules, meaning I do always have to see and chat with them every time I'm there or else that would be rude. How do I sugarcoat this and be honest? "Hun, I love you and your family but maybe we need more space from your parents? We can't be at your place all the time? Can't we just go somewhere else?" I also don't want to disrupt their privacy and be in their home ALL the time.

回答 (2)

2013-04-16 10:28 pm
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Sometimes you have to learn to let things roll off your back, there will always be someone that has something negative to say and in reality their words don't mean anything, they are just words. If he is that close to his family, it will probably be hard for him not to be offended.
Maybe you could try to say something like, not mention them and just tell him you would like to go somewhere else for a change, you won't have to give a reason, or think ahead where you want to go and say hey can we go here or can we do this, you don't need a reason why. But if you are going to continue to be in his life you have to accept his family as is and you will have to learn how to deal with it, you don't have to always be around them, but you are going to some or a lot of the time. Be the more mature one, and maybe in time they will ease up, you said his mom already is, who really cares what hot air his dad is blowing, its just air. There will always be those who think they are better, plus that's their baby so they are going to be this way, part of being an adult and in a relationship means dealing with the parents, it's a normal part of a serious relationship.
2013-04-19 4:34 am
You have a Mama's Boy here that loves his mom and loves his home. He is Taurus the Bull. Lover of peace and quiet. Calm and tranquility. That is where he is happiest at this time.

Scorpio dislikes revealing anything personal until they truly trust you which CAN happen but it won't happen overnight. It will take much time for her to trust you. Especially as a possible mate for HER son. Be grateful that she is being as kind as she seems to be doing. Scorpio is powerful. Loyal. Mistrusts others. Extremely observant as she misses 'nothing.' Don't think you can fool her because you can't.

Capricorn likes to let others see how successful they are by their house, car, he is sizing you up when he is around you. Capricorns aren't that 'social' as a rule so he is just being himself. Just as his mom is being herself. We can't change people.

And you ARE in their home so yes they do make the rules. I think that they are being kind including you and I understand that you want some alone time with Taurus Guy, but if you want him then you have to put up with his folks like it or not.

I think that maybe you need to find a place where you can be alone together. Even if you visit in the car all night!

Taurus just love their home and the comfort that is IN the home. It's going to be tough to match his Comfort Level in his own home. And his mother's cooking too.

Good news is that he will be graduating soon and he will probably have to move to get a job as they are tough to get now. Dragging him away from Mom will be much easier then. So try to be patient as Taurus is stubborn.

Taurus loves eating good food so if you really want this guy long-term I would learn how to cook his favorite dishes. Even ask his mom if you could help prepare dinner and that will go miles in getting to know her better. She is behaving quite nicely for a Scorpio as The Scorpion is the symbol for Scorpio. That speaks volumes.

Good luck to you and hang in there and be patient. Taurus 'lightens up' as they age. Timing is everything. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33

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