若有輪迥,如何令 下一世更好

2013-04-17 7:39 am
人生路上,以近黄昏,默然回 首,



家庭,有 良好教育,



婚 姻和諧,白頭到老




感恩兩位菩薩結緣提點, 可惜我的心以充滿仇恨 1.別人來破壞你家庭 公然搶走一切, 還理直氣壯,搶人老公 吾使坐監,那女人像一隻 看門口的大狼狗,一秒鐘 也監視著,上天有看到嗎? 2.滿以為朋友有難, 幫助扶持,原來都是貪得 無厭的小人,祇覺得怒火焚心

回答 (3)

2013-04-17 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案

你不好浪費時間,人未到死一刻都不是黃昏。趕快為你個心做善事,來世我們都不知,但當下個心就好肯定好真,做善事舒服,用給與減貪心 瞋心 痴心,心舒服自然今生好,來生都好,好簡單道理習慣成自然,人生所有金錢 愛情 事業 都是風景,心才是真,如果心不知足,擁有都是苦,心自然生起舒服,有沒有都不重要,因為你要明開心又這樣過一天,不開心又這樣過一天,不學習接受隨緣,來世都和今天一樣不開心不快樂不知足,所以同自己講有都好,沒有都好,有就可以享受,沒有就自在沒有束縛,輕輕鬆鬆,自由自在,不用想。



⋯⋯ 那人答說:「可我是一無所有的窮人!」


※ 1.和顏施:對於別人給予和顏悅色的布施。

※ 2.言施:向人說好話的布施,存好心,做好事,做好人,說好話,並勉人切實力行。

※ 3.心施:為對方設想的心,體貼眾生的心的布施。

※ 4.眼施:用慈愛和氣的眼神看人。

※ 5.身施:身體力行幫助別人。

※ 6.座施:讓座給需要的人的布施。

※ 7.察施:不用問對方就能察覺對方的心,並給予相對其所需的方便的布施。

《 如果你能身體力行此 7 項布施,生命也會跟著有所改變! 》


靜思語:《布施不是有錢人的專利 , 而是有心人的參與。》
2013-04-17 10:27 pm
若有輪迥,如何令 下一世更好?# 多做善事 / 布施 # 敬佛 , 敬父母 , 尊重長輩

# 多向人付出 / 關心人 ..... 1. 今生做官為何因?前世黃金粧佛身。 His holding the position of a high ranking government office this generation is the consequence of his decorating the statue of the Lord Buddha with gold leaf in his previous life. 2. 騎馬坐轎為何因?前世修橋舖路人。 Why is he having the privilege to ride on a horse or travel on a sedan chair? It is the consequence of his contribution made to the public welfare by raising funds to build the bridge and repair the road in his previous life. 3. 穿綢穿緞為何因?前世施衣敬僧人。 Why he is so rich as to wear in silk fabrics or in satin dress? It is the consequence of his donating robes to the Buddhist monks in his previous life. 4. 有食有穿為何因?前世茶飯施貧人。 Why does he not worry about food and dress? It is the consequence of his giving alms to the poor in his previous life. 5. 高樓大廈為何因?前世施米上庵門。 Why he is so rich as to be able to live in luxurious mansion? It is the consequence of his donating rice right to the door of the nuns’ monastery in his previous life. 6. 福祿具足為何因?前世造庵建涼亭。 Why he is sufficient in his lucky and prosperity? It is the consequence of his generous donation made in the construction of the monastery for nuns as well as of the pavilion built for the shelter of the public in his previous life. 7. 相貌端嚴為何因?前世鮮花供佛前。 Why he is so dignified in his outer aspects? It is the consequence of his offering flowers on the altar of the Lord Buddha in his previous life. 8. 聰明智慧為何因?前世誦經念佛人。
9. 夫妻長守為何因?前世幢旛供佛前。
10. 父母雙全為何因?前世敬重孤獨人。

2013-04-17 14:28:10 補充:
2013-04-17 12:49 pm
若有輪迥,如何令 下一世更好如俄羅斯輪盤, 希望越大失望更大, 今世做好本份, 無謂多想多求.

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