
2013-04-17 6:00 am
supply of water and games not included

supplies of water and games are not included is is correct???


supplies of water and games are not included supply of water and games is not included 有咩分別 文法岩嗎?


supplies of water and games are not included supply of water and games is not included 那麼,這2句是指 什麼供給都沒有?? supplies of water and games are not included 1個供給也沒有?? supply of water and games is not included 通常英名用supply 還是 supplies

回答 (6)

2013-04-17 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

Supply of water and games is not included.
Supply is the subject here, not "water and games."

On a side note, "Supply of water and games not included" is fine as we often use sentence fragments on printed signs to be more clear.

eg. One time use only.
eg. Breakfast not included.

2013-04-18 13:40:30 補充:
"Supplies of water and games are not included." This is correct.
The person below is wrong. I have explained it in my answer.

2013-04-22 03:06:23 補充:
"Supplies of water and games are not included."
"Supply of water and games is not included."
The two sentences are essentially the same in your case. "Supply" can be used as a general term for 供給. They are both grammatically correct.

2013-04-22 23:39:26 補充:
You are correct.
Try: Game and water supplies are not included.
參考: 99th percentile on the SAT
2013-04-22 4:51 pm
In my opinion, this sentence should be written in the following way;
The supply of water for this game is not included.
參考: Myself
2013-04-17 8:43 pm
water supply is not includedin this game equipment
2013-04-17 4:59 pm
Absolute Phrase Pattern:-
Since a supply of "water and games" was not included, the equipment as subject was included.

A supply of "water and games" being not included, the subject equipment was included.

The above are Adverbial clauses reduced and changed.

Participial Phrase containing a gerund Pattern:-

Supplying not included, "water and games" are not found !

After suspending supplying of "water and games",they are not found!

The above are Adjective Phrase containing a gerund.

2013-04-18 05:14:28 補充:
The supply of "Water and Game" are not included. (It is Correct)
2013-04-17 6:37 am
Supply of water and game equipment are not included
2013-04-17 6:14 am
no, i think it should be supply of water and games are not included

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