
2013-04-16 8:59 am

上過USPS個官網查, 只係有個寄出既紀錄, 但係睇唔到去到邊, 到左香港未..

問香港郵政, 只係答呢個唔係掛號, 佢地就算收到郵件都查唔到, 只係叫我等..

我係用Priority Mail International Parcels ,應該係2-5個工作天就收到

USPS 個日期顯示April 05, 2013 ,應該係呢日佢地接收到賣家件貨,

之後就咩都CHECK唔到,, 黎左香港未都唔知..


回答 (2)

2013-04-17 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
上過USPS個官網查, 有個寄出既紀錄, 即是一周上下會來到香港。 你憑寄件號碼,通常格式是RB123456789US或CJ123456789US等,到郵局櫃面問,如果件貨不是送錯去大陸,若在香港會査到在那個位置的。不過有些職員唔識用電腦查,若有人拒絕你,你找個資深的或局長查,郵局網頁是查不到外國號碼的,郵局內的電腦可以查到。
(因為有人寫Hong Kong China,誤送上大陸)
2013-04-17 2:47 am
There is nothing you can do really, except wait.

Priority Mail International, unless including additional service (like insurance), is only traceable in the U.S. only.

But it is certain that if you have not received the package after the end of April, you should consider as lost.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:50:13
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