I'm worried/scared for myself?

2013-04-15 8:42 pm
I've been through a lot. I'm in my late teens.
I've had general bad things happen to me.
A first love break ups, home issues, all that.
Then I've had some really bad stuff happen.
Rejection from both parents, a Mum with mental health issues, bringing up my siblings, death, long court cases. It's been tough.

Sometimes, I don't feel like I've dealt with any of it. When my Dad rejected me last Oct. I wasn't really bothered. Yes, I was sad and it was hard for a few weeks. After that, I got over it. I know that's not "normal". Anyway, my point is, I don't feel like I deal with things fully. Do you think I'm right?

My second worry is that it will all come back and bite me on the ***. So, I think things through and really, my conclusion is "It happened, it's sad, get on with your life, you deserve more."

But, this is where I think it had affected me.
I make up these scenario's in my head, things that will never happen and pretend they are real (in my head). Is that even normal?
I think it's to get away from my daily life.


回答 (5)

2013-04-15 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you go deal with things fully, by accepting all negativity, offer no resistance to the situation, like I do. Expect them to come back to bite. Again, prepare for the worst scenerios.
Tell yourself if they're gonna come back and bite you, tell them you don't mind. you accept them, no matter what they do. You accept the negativity. You tell yourself, "it is ok." Then move on.
After the noble sacrificing of oneself to acceptance of negativity, your life will start to change. It will never be the same again, because the negativity eventually fades away(because at the end of the day, you are the one who's gonna be prosperous, and negativity is just a tempoparily stage/short term) I tell myself and accept myself that I am a garbage.
I know I am a trash, and there is only darkness. I accept the darkness fully and allow it to aid me.
Then things work out for me.
A fire will rise. You can be a hero. It's the batman. He is a hero. The dark knight.
We'll save the day
參考: Batman: the dark knight rises
2017-03-01 12:43 am
Aw its rather difficult being a mum, adult men in basic terms dont look to have the comparable feeling we do. a reliable ingredient is you're the two talking after a chop up and you the two love your babies to bits. it's going to be hard for you yet think of whilst they get domicile! all the catching as much as do! Does your ex have a working laptop or pc? with a bit of luck he does and you will communicate everynight on the webcam and chat on the telephone.(Ask him to type one out if he has'nt) it is going to positioned your recommendations comfortable to take heed to your babies and you will sense extra effective interior. you're able to devise what you p.c. to do to maintain your self busy. organize days/nights out with kin an friends and do all those issues we cant do whilst the babies are approximately. you're able to shop busy and not stay in cleansing and doing all the mother jobs we do. organize for friends to return over decide for nutrition or to a club. stay over a friends domicile besides. Make a catalogue for your self issues to do - time will pass and till now you recognize it, they are going to be domicile with mum.
2013-04-15 8:55 pm
Everyone deals with happiness and tragedy in their own way. Some things you may feel you have rationalized until something in the future drags out some emotions and you don't know where they are coming from. Mostly, if you are able to manage your life with a fair amount of happiness, there is nothing to worry about. You very well may be haunted by thoughts or feelings from the past, but hopefully as you grow you will continue to find productive ways to manage those emotions.

Most behaviors are a result of a mental or emotional stimulus. If you are not exhibiting destructive behaviors, then you don't have any serious mental or emotional things to worry about. If you are caught up in addictions, or other self destructive behaviors, then there is likely a problem you need to address. Most of all, if you feel you are not able to manage emotions in a positive or healthy way, then you should seek further advice on how to change that behavior. This can come from a mental health professional, or through a spiritual guide, or even through good friends.

Above all, it is best to concentrate on what to do in the now to be happy. Worry about the future, or clinging to the past is not productive. Be in the now, and do whatever it is that makes you happy so long as it is healthy.
參考: abesgrandplan.blogspot.com
2013-04-15 8:53 pm
Sounds like you need to join a group of some kind, share some positive times with people, volunteer, community group that kind of thing, it might be the best thing to happen to you.
2013-04-15 8:47 pm
If you don't deal with current problems, you won't deal with future problems because your mind will already be full and you will surely explode with emotion. I have had a tough life too and when another bad things happens to me, it's sort of like a "woah as me, another bad thing added onto my horrible life" and you know why we do that? because the previous bad experiences we've had, we haven't COPED with or accept fully that they happened, and it's over with. The only direction of forward. The only advice i can give you, is, if you start walking back where you came from you will have a miserable life. Don't make up scenarios of what you want to happen, go out and do them so you have your own optimistic life to think about.

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