How to make a yahoo avatar?

2013-04-15 1:54 pm
When I'm clicking at the link to make the avatar it just redirects me to my profile.
Pls. I need help!

回答 (4)

2013-04-15 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yea they took a great feature away. Modern technology advances want folks to upload their real photos like facebook. That's the new trend. It sucks I know.
2013-04-15 9:58 pm
You could choose either a cartoon or a photo avatar
The Yahoo avatars page is no longer available but you can do this:
Create a personal avatar below save it to you pc then upload it as below.

Photo and avatar upload

Click on your current avatar then click edit my preferences to the right of your default avatar click update photo. Follow the prompts to upload a photo or saved avatar from your pc.
2013-04-15 9:21 pm
Yahoo avatars are no more. You have to get an avatar from one of the sites which make them and save to your hard drive. Go to view my Yahoo profile, click edit then click change picture. It will tell you to upload a pic from your computer and what size it should be. Just follow the instructions. Make sure your pulse is not set to private as that stops it from appearing, If this fails then it is due to the glitch many users have noticed. Yahoo are aware of it and are supposed to be sorting it.
2013-04-15 9:18 pm
Last week I seen that they were doing away with avatars. So it might not be possible anymore.

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